That would be a good idea...except it would appear that a fellow rider took the fuel. What security guard would be suspicious of a person dressed like everybody else. Furthermore a fence would only keep out people wandering past. Presumably all the participants in the freeride would have some kind of pass to enter the fenced area. I think that will only make it easier for these type of people to jack peoples stuff.
Sorry for what happened Pete. Congratulations on catching it before it became a real expensive hassle.
I am one of those people that needs race fuel and can't afford it anymore, only I was in Texas at the time.
What we used in the past was wrist bracelets. All of your fuel jugs are tagged at check in, and you have a matching tag on your wrist. No matching wrist tag, no fuel.
Using a permanent marker you can have a standard wrist band initialed at check in, no need to custom tags etc.
Just like a raffle ticket and it's matching ticket.
Charge everyone an extra 1 dollar for entry fee, and thats 150 bucks goes to having a guy or multiples persons monitor that fenced in fuel area. It's open at 7am, and locked down at 6pm. or make it coincide with the open riding time.
9am to 6pm etc
If you make it optional. if you want to secure your fuel in the secured area you pay a 3 dollar surcharge per fuel jug or something..
Just an idea I thought up.