Observations from Daytona

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Cleveland Ohio
1. Wife?

2. 'Jet' needed to be corrected for growling (especially at a baby). You were just making sure he knew what he did was wrong. I didn't notice any other problems with the pups and I was VERY skeptical about Jet and Yami coming, but they totally proved me wrong. I thought it was cool having em. Alot of people enjoyed their company... (I hear they like to fart in vans, though!)

BTW... killer trip!!!!!:Banane01::skull2::arms:


Miami Fl
1.Madmats dogs rocked. They always let me rough them up and pet them.

2. to bad only .1% had to wait to hide behind the computer to post a negative comment.

3. Everyone was so awsome and nice.

4. I'm ready to make my resevations for next year.

5. Jason Stoyer has now offically had the way way way biggest bail I have ever seen. I hope to see in in many vids.

6. I`ll be back with more :smile: .


Hooked on the Jamz
I fell in love with Mat's shepard. Sweetest eyes I have ever seen (since my old shepard). He was very friendly when he came to say "pet me" to me during the raffle.
4. I'm ready to make my resevations for next year.

I wouldn't doubt it if the Makai is already booked for next year! Just friggin AWSOME!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who looked out for poop bombs and let me and Kelly know where they were. My dogs loved everyone man!! I could barely get Jet in the car to leave!

Thanks to everyone for the positive comments about the newest additions to the "Freeride dog crew".


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I wouldn't doubt it if the Makai is already booked for next year! Just friggin AWSOME!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who looked out for poop bombs and let me and Kelly know where they were. My dogs loved everyone man!! I could barely get Jet in the car to leave!

Thanks to everyone for the positive comments about the newest additions to the "Freeride dog crew".

I think the only one with a legitimate gripe about Mat's dogs would be Kashka, who walked around most of the weekend with one or the other of their noses in his butt all weekend! :biggrin: He didn't seem to mind too much though - I'm glad all the pooches got along with each other.

Quite the opposite of mine leaving poop bombs, he decided to freak me and Suzi out by taking himself across the road to the overflow parking when he needed to go. We'd been walking him across there, so I guess he thought that was the right thing to do! He's not so used to roads, so it freaked us out when we found him over there. He seemed quite proud of himself, however!! :rolleyes:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
we talked about kashka half our ride home adrian. we loved that dog.

too big for our house tho was the final call. :banghead:

awesome dog. that's how we met your wife, we just walked over to your dog and started playing with/petting him.

did you ever see him run!!!!!!!!!! funniest thing you would ever see......... well, next to Kaska wimpering like a baby when he would not jump out of the front of their boat 2 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That fierce dog cried like a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
who would have thunk it!!!!!!

The Penguin

triple secret probation
all the dogs were cool. I never saw any landmines.

don't let Leanne punch you in the stomach
do let Leanne hand you a Jagerbomb (and another, and another, another...)
don't bother trying to get dinner at the sports grille on a night when 3 people quit
don't eat the "you'll pay tomorrow" wings at Charlie Horse and expect not to pay for them tomorrow
I'm still trying to figure out why some strippers are such snotty bitchez
trust your bong operator
get a ground floor room next year
make sure Nick warns Waffle House next year so they will be staffed up
Here is what I learned:

1. Butti and wavedemon both stepped up HUGE! do I smell a flip-off?
2. I love the smell of 927 first thing in the AM
3. ALWAYS water test your boat before a big ride
4. spare parts dont do you any good at home
5. Cleveland crew makes great neighbors--props to MADMAT on the internet connection for my girl...and your dogs are awesome, they were in and out of the room all weekend and very friendly
6. tow loops are there for a reason, but sometimes Idok is a d*ick
7. Waterdawg is one kool kat
8. I dont really think Shonuff has cornrows and gold teeth.....sorry I missed ya bro!!
9. the staff at the makai is very tolerant
10. Freeride is the coolest sport EVER.
all the dogs were cool. I never saw any landmines.

don't let Leanne punch you in the stomach
do let Leanne hand you a Jagerbomb (and another, and another, another...)
don't bother trying to get dinner at the sports grille on a night when 3 people quit
don't eat the "you'll pay tomorrow" wings at Charlie Horse and expect not to pay for them tomorrow
I'm still trying to figure out why some strippers are such snotty bitchez
trust your bong operator
get a ground floor room next year
make sure Nick warns Waffle House next year so they will be staffed up

i thought i could trust the people involved, guess i was wrong

paybacks are a bitch though
I COMPLETELY and humbly apologize to your mother in law for that statement. I could just feel her eyes burning a hole in me and I hate people who hate dogs. None the less that comment towards her was not meant to be heard by anyone except the inside of my head.

Please tell her I am sorry and to chill the F out.


Ride for life
North NJ
Nick & his wife are the best
Daytona beach locals are very friendly
The life guard guy on the Honda rips
Paul Lehr is a stand up guy- he just wants every to have there parts & ride their asses off. Your the man Paul
Wavedemon & butti have balls- congrats guys
Leanne kills every thing she rides & gives out killer Jager bombs
Penguin always wins SBT cranks
Jeff from waterdawg is a cool dude.
I walked right past Saki until he said my name- did he clone his old boat?
Caker keeps going bigger
Alex is always there to help
Dan from the north- likes funnels
Dslicker's x2 likes to eat plugs
I got very good at moving blasters
I need to stay in better shape over the winter
My wife is the best for coming with me and having a great time.
This was the best event I've been to to date.
Props to everybody who showed up and had fun.


havin fun
clearwater FL
1 Stoyers bails are the biggest
2 legdragger?(red x2) is the baddest mo-fo in the surf
3 d-slicker goes over the clouds on his x-2( who knew x2s had rocket boosters?)
4 Nick can throw a helluva freeride! thanks Nick! and all who helped him.
5 Ewok is a big but friendly guy- yeah so what you can build motors? can you cook like an Italian?
6 I was very very grateful for d-slicker to pull me back to shore and wicked scared that my ski was gonna hit him in the back and paralyze him( fin scariest thing ever!) but thankfully we made it back and I was able to steer with my legs enough to not kill him. THANKYOU!
7 My wife is the coolest for coming with and dealing with our 3 children. thanks honey
8 Saki makes a terrible terrorist- he can't even run from the law! WTF?
9 Wavedemon and Butti are equally insane and awewome at the same time.
10 Lots of great riders kept me from riding and because I was staring with my jaw open. Ratti- Pete-lots of others, too many to name.
11 I wish Malone rode the 1000 more - meaning longer.
12 watercraft factory ski makes me want to redo mine. friggin sweet!

I could go on and on. Thanks for a great time, and what a friendly group of people.

13 oops- Flacarncycleguy does not get wound up he is just passionate. If you think he gets going now- wait til his ski is done!
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