% of Standup Riders?


Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
I attempted to answer the question Idok posed yesterday and then the thread when off-topic and got locked. I did some digging and found some numbers to determine how many PWC there are in the US and then tried to determine how many are actually standups. I thought this was kind of cool, whether related to Idok's thread or not.

My original post is pasted below, but here is the gist of it.

Approximately 1,600,000 PWC are registered or in use in the US. How many do we think are standups (and or X2, blasters, etc.)?
1% = 16,000
2% = 32,000
3% = 48,000
5% = 80,000
7% = 112,000

I think 7% is a stretch, but even if its only 1% or 2%, the X only represents a small number of them.

Just some food for thought.

Here was my post from yesterday:
I started to determine how many skis are registered in the US. I found some statistics from between 2004-2006 from reliable sources that stated the number of registered skis for the areas listed below. Using those areas as a representative sample, I then calculated avg. skis per person. (Sorry, the chart posted like crap)

Location / Total Population / Total Registered PWC / % PWC Owners
State of Utah / 2,233,169 / 14,251 / 0.64%
State of California / 33,871,648 / 159,335 / 0.47%
Miami-Dade County, FL / 1,217,896 / 8,479 / 0.70%
Broward County, FL / 1,623,018 / 7,607 / 0.47%

Average is .57%. x 300MM population of US = 1.7MM registered skis. I thought my data would be skewed since FL and CA are going to be higher than other areas, but because of their higher population (and likely lower income demographic), it seemed about right. It was later confirmed when I found a statistic from the USCG stating that 1.55MM PWC were in use in 2005. So, my guess was pretty close.

So, there are about 1,600,000 skis in the US. Let's assume only 5% of them are standups. That's 80,000 standups. Even if EVERY SU rider had two or three like we do, that would still be 30,000+ standup riders.

Even if we assume SU riders only makeup 2% of the PWC population, that is still 32,000 SU's in the US.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Wow, This is way more than I would have thought. Darin posted up PWC sales over last 10 years or so a few months back (cant find the thread now) and I didnt think there was this high of numbers shown. Must be some old AZZ ski's runnin out there to support figures above.
i think we are about 1 percent. I go to the lakes around kentucky all the time and ive only seen one other standup in my entire life. (not counting riding with darin, riverrat etc.)
i think we are about 1 percent. I go to the lakes around kentucky all the time and ive only seen one other standup in my entire life. (not counting riding with darin, riverrat etc.)

but thats kentucky.

there are people in georgia that have never met a jew.


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
when I started I could not find a stand up in my area. I have found some old 440s sitting in a shop since then. I know there are some up a couple hours north of me but I never see any when I ride. one time I was driving back from the lake and I saw a couple 550s but that was a 1 time deal. since I have talked one guy into a sj so that make 3. I am still looking I know there has to be some riders hidden some where.


the taco
my brother and i were talking about this last night.....i think standups only represent maybe 1% of the ski population. my brother thought quite a bit more until i asked him how many other standup riders we was last year. going out 2 or 3 times a week we, other than our riding group, we did not see a single standup rider all of last year....saw a few suv's but no standups. most people are too fat and lazy. if i wanted a boat i would by one. most people dont even think that standups are made anymore. i have had several people ask how old my ski was....when i say it is an 04 model they almost always s**t themselves.


I heard that Standups represent 1% of the total market, and I feel that is probably close to right. Even if it went up as of late, I would doubt we would double our ranks.... I'll guess 1.25% of the total market sales.

18-20k Stand ups would be a good estimate...

I know at least 25 riders that don't post... just in central florida area


Ok so say we are 1% now we know why we are not in the X-games. So where do you think this sport is going to go?


it will be at the beach w/ me this weekend....

I know that much


Shootin' The Crap
In my area, I personally know of one guy with three Superjets and one guy with one squarenose Superjet. The one with three barely rides anymore and the one with one never rides that I know of.

I occasionally see others out on the water, but that is usually peeps in town on vacation.

I see LOTS of sitdowns---mostly from the rental guys.


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
but thats kentucky.

there are people in georgia that have never met a jew.




Ok so say we are 1% now we know why we are not in the X-games. So where do you think this sport is going to go?


Nowhere fast?
BS worthless posts like this, is why people who try to promote this sport & use this site as a tool for promoting, can't! We, as a group, look like a bunch of bickering fools. We will Never have the respect of the public at large, if we can't even respect each other! Think about it!!!!

ski ya, Paul


Lexington, KY
i think we are about 1 percent. I go to the lakes around kentucky all the time and ive only seen one other standup in my entire life. (not counting riding with darin, riverrat etc.)

I've never seen any others at Lake Cumberland or Laurel Lake. My friend has a standup, but doesn't post here. The owner at the kawi/yami shop here rides a 750sxi. My bro in law and neighbor want one after riding my SJ.
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