Leave it to you to post that right as I'm posting baby pics Dre (Mr. Porno Crib himself, lol)! :spank:
I saw the pic someone had taken of the little boy on the bike (sweet pic), so I went through and found what few I had (another post following). I love pic 3 and want this little girl now (she is beyond adorable, as are the rest of them). I know the little boy belongs to Chris down here in Clearwater, but I do not know who the proud parents are of the other three. It's great to see children at the freerides! Next year, we really need to cover up the extension cords (pic 5, I cropped them out of the other pics) with tape on the concrete and plywood on the grass. This little girl walked right over two of them luckily (probably help with some of the drunk or hung over people as well...just in case)!
If anyone has pics of more children, please post them. They are always some of my favorite.