Old 'Open Bash' on WaterDawgs

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still working that lie???:biggthumpup::biggthumpup:

I see your p*ssy still hurts over the auction... oh wait I mean raffle... HA HA HA...


cry for me....

not at all. it was sold for $2500.00, which is more than it wouldve brought in at daytona..... after you pocketed your part, that is.

oh, and get a job, bum.


Creative RE Purchasing
this topic sucks


everybody needs to calm down a little bit.



I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
the ridiculousness of the rev install has nothing to do with who im friends with.

replying after him with your "points" makes you both as "special" as one another.

I guess I don't see whats so bad about the install. I mean there are several people that I know of that used revs as there first install and it went well. It is more time consuming but I think thats about as fas as it goes.


The Good Old Days
I guess I don't see whats so bad about the install. I mean there are several people that I know of that used revs as there first install and it went well. It is more time consuming but I think thats about as fas as it goes.

I'm one of those people.
Installing my REVs was the first time I ever played with glass.
Not that hard at all and I do love them.

BTW, as mentioned previously.
Jeff's chin pad for the stock pole is about the best one out there.

So let me start by saying “I am not a sponsored rider.” I have ordered parts from many of the companies that are out there. I would say all have messed up an order or taken longer to ship than I thought it should.

That said WDK has replaced my hood within a week of calling him and letting him know the problem. I have also ordered many sets of footholds from him without any issues. I ordered the last set 2 weeks ago along with an order to High Roller. I am still waiting for my hold from high roller, and was told it might go out next week. That is lame since he charges 25 for shipping.

I like the WDK holds because you toes are not pointed out like most holds. Also at Parker this weekend I think there were 6 people in the freestyle event and 5 of them were on WDK boats. That being said ride what you like as long as you are out ridding
I'm one of those people.
Installing my REVs was the first time I ever played with glass.
Not that hard at all and I do love them.

BTW, as mentioned previously.
Jeff's chin pad for the stock pole is about the best one out there.

dont forget to check out WCF's new RN chinpad. theyre absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!:439:
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