Other Pennsylvania fish commies stuck me bad tonight!

So whats the total $$$ he hit you with how many hundos did he take you for

Don't know yet. They were too lazy to write everything up last night and said I would get it all in the mail. (I think that's a sweat tactic) I really think that is illegal. Either way I'm prepared to pay up! I'm spending today making my ski 100% legal in their eyes. I'll go find him this week and subject myself to a safety inspection.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Christmas eve 3 or 4 years ago I got slapped with 3 fines at one time from a game warden. Iv'e never gotten a ticket from the marine police, only a game warden. I know your pain.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Don't know yet. They were too lazy to write everything up last night and said I would get it all in the mail. (I think that's a sweat tactic) I really think that is illegal. Either way I'm prepared to pay up! I'm spending today making my ski 100% legal in their eyes. I'll go find him this week and subject myself to a safety inspection.
DON'T JUST PAY THE TICKET! Go to court with pics of your stuff all legit and see if the judge has a heart after you have proof that you made things right. I did and it saved me 500.00!!!!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Show documentation about building these hulls. Do like Gil said. Go to court. Hopefully knock it down to just reckless operation. Sorry for my comments. I know it sucks. I have been there. I was out on lake in October years ago, only person on re lake and got nailed. Went to a boat landing that I hardly ever go to.

Good luck.
I was out yesterday and where I ride the park ranger sits on the top of the hill with binos and looks for that little blue sticker, I don't have that, a vin, fire extinguisher, cf numbers, or a whistle. Lucky for me I was already in by the truck and it was blocking his view, but I had noticed the boat rolling around pulling all skis over around the peninsula, jacked my ski into my truck, dried it off and closed the tailgate. Lol 5 mins later they all left and it was back to the crowd pleasing.
I was out yesterday and where I ride the park ranger sits on the top of the hill with binos and looks for that little blue sticker, I don't have that, a vin, fire extinguisher, cf numbers, or a whistle. Lucky for me I was already in by the truck and it was blocking his view, but I had noticed the boat rolling around pulling all skis over around the peninsula, jacked my ski into my truck, dried it off and closed the tailgate. Lol 5 mins later they all left and it was back to the crowd pleasing.

Dude, take my mistake and learn from it! Don't get busted like that. They could have confiscated my ski!
Yea and this shows up in the mail Monday....

This could have saved a bunch of headaches.
If it gets suspended, my 1,000 cc carbon boat is going up for sale. Complete rtr. I'll build a 16mm for next year! The extinguisher deal scares me, if it comes loose inside the hull and rubs a hole in the extinguisher, that powder will destroy an engine. I'd rather pay a 50.00 fine for the extinguisher than run that risk.

i've had a couple extinguisher tickets. i blew all the potassium bycarbonate out of this tiny one i found, drilled a tiny hole in the guage and bent the needle to say FULL and glued the hole shut so it dont get water inside. i zip tied it to the underside of my SJ hood and got the ticket signed off by a local boat cop. he asked me if that tiny thing was legal and of course i said yes. he closed his eyes and kind of shook his head and signed off on it. he had always been cool to us skiers, but now we have a whole new crew of dick cops out there to hide from. your #s are in the wrong place too, if they want to be dicks
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High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
That really sucks dude. I got stuck with some reckless operation tickets last year. To make things even better I work for the park that I ride in, so technically the D bag cop that gave me the ticket was my co worker. I made sure he had to go to court for it and I made sure I used some sick time when I went to court.

FYI I guess nose stabs are illegal. I also think having fun is illegal too.

Good luck with keeping your license. But hey if you loose it who cares. If you can wipe with $100s then I would just rent a limo for the next 6 months. You will be the coolest dude at the boat ramp.


So long and thanks for all the fish
When you show the 7/15 date on the title and the date of the infractions 7/20 you might get some leniency there since you had started the whole process before it happened.

I got hit a few different times, all fairly bogus really. After court I only paid $50 on one in Hawaii that was a $200 fine, second one in Hawaii tossed out because the judge thought it was a strange law, and third in Louisville tossed after I attended a pwc safety course in which I was the only person over 16 years old and new more about maritime laws thanks to my Navy experience than the instructor did.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Lets reveiw:
No fire extinguisher! WTF are you gonna do with it if you do have it, approach a burning freakn boat and abandon your sinking ski while floating near the burning boat trying to extinguish the freaking flames (be real).

Wreckless opp.! what makes it wreckless? I could see if you were attempting in a high traffic area or near docks and other passing or sitting boats. If not, there are NO yellow lines to stay between, if you have a lanyard and are 100 feet from anything its not wreckless IMO but I guess our laws are subject to THEIR opinions not OURS?

Whistle, if it is law in PA, I guess ya better get one: Dont see a need for a ticket.

Registration! where do I begin with this, go get it done (mine has NOTHING and it is limitting me to where I can ride without ticket risks). But TN has decided to make it a freaking nightmare to get your ski registered. They do not recognise titles on ANY watercraft at all. So you now have to have THEIR bill of sale notorized with you and the seller present, even if you buy from a dealer. WTF REALLY, I bought a couch from a dude in IN. and before I can register it I had to email him back the bill of sale to have notorized when he signed it, then MAILED back for me to go have it notorized when I sign it. SORRY SIR you cannot ride your NEW SKI for a few weeks assuming the dude you bought it from gives a flying F to go have it done.

So how do you suppose I get my 100% aftermarket boat registered?

The laws have to make sense IMO or people will go around them. If you make stupid laws that inconvenience the public you have to know they will bypass them to avoid the hastle.
They are making the situation worse by increasing the amount of hoops you have to jump through to meat their retarted requirements.

How much did your fines total?

If you get it legally registered FINALLY, your still going to be hastled for what they see as wreckless op or not having a freaking fire extinguisher. They will hastle you for something retarted anyway so whats the use is going to be the attitude. The same reasons small businesses shut down. The government wrenches them with rediculous rules and incredibly high tax rates making it non feasible to hire Americans that need work. MORE GOVERNMENT = higher cost and less involvement by the people that could and would normally contribute to the cost and cause. Look at Detroit and tell me I am wrong, all that is left up there are the NON CONTRIBUTERS. 1.1 million contributing people of what was 1.8 million over all have been reduced by unions and government to 700,000 non contributers making the city file bankruptsy and have the highest major crime rate in the US.

That city is in ruins due to government taxes and unions.

Fro Diesel

creative control
Damn. They make an example out of us for sure. Hope it turns out better than getting stuck with everything.

I once loaded my skis on the trailer with lanyard on the handlebars. My feet never left the ground. I didn't mount the skis, but still was written up for no lifejacket, improper exhaust (side exit), operating after hours, no lanyard, no extingisher, no boaters safety. Worst part was he drove down in a purple maxima wearing flip flops, shorts, and a white t shirt. Asked a bunch of questions and we were friendly. Then he goes back to his car, puts on a sheriffs hat and proceeds to write me the riot act. Total 180 in demeaner even said they had been looking for me for a while. Total bs. I was facing 500 in tickets but judge threw out everything but the boaters safety and I paid a 100$ fine which is always 250$ after hidden fees.....so buddy you aren't alone.

It's not like u were hiding bodies in plastic bags. What happened to warnings.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
i keep a fire extinguisher in my ski, but I always thought that it was funny that Yamaha put the fire extinguisher on TOP of the hood. Where are the flames going to be? Furthermore, I would need to lift my pole, lock it in the up position, lift the fire extinguisher compartment flap, unscrew the cover and finally you get to the fire extinguisher...real practical while floating in the water with a ski on fire.
That really sucks dude. I got stuck with some reckless operation tickets last year. To make things even better I work for the park that I ride in, so technically the D bag cop that gave me the ticket was my co worker. I made sure he had to go to court for it and I made sure I used some sick time when I went to court.

FYI I guess nose stabs are illegal. I also think having fun is illegal too.

Good luck with keeping your license. But hey if you loose it who cares. If you can wipe with $100s then I would just rent a limo for the next 6 months. You will be the coolest dude at the boat ramp.

A limo lol! I'll sell the thing and build something even better with the down time. That's if it even goes down that way. Guy said he is going to call me before he mails tickets out.
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