Other Pennsylvania fish commies stuck me bad tonight!

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I've used mine as well and saved a buddies 2 week old Honda Rincon. We were all beached at the time and a buddies wife rode up on their quad. It started smoking and caught on fire from a bunch of grass up against the exhaust and would have burned up if I wasn't there. I was the only one there who had one.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Technically we are riding reckless anytime our pump leaves the water. By that definition, we are out of line 95% of the time.
I've used mine as well and saved a buddies 2 week old Honda Rincon. We were all beached at the time and a buddies wife rode up on their quad. It started smoking and caught on fire from a bunch of grass up against the exhaust and would have burned up if I wasn't there. I was the only one there who had one.

So someone has used their fire extinguisher. But maybe they should require four wheelers to have them and not a vehicle that sits in the water, especially a small jetski that no one ever is going to use out in the water.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
There are many rules and regulations that I have disagreed with over the years and argued as unnecessary. Experience has taught me that you can never be too prepared and to never say never. "just in case" has saved my ass on more than one occasion.
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I always use the excuse that I was competing last weekend and in comps they want the ext next to your gas and Its in my trailer next to my gas
They don't give a chit about us at our lake but we also
Clean up from the fish guys
drag in the wind surfers and people on rafts that get to far out
we have even detained a totally hammered ass hole in a boat
Go to the cop the next time you see him and show him you are legal and responsible explain to him you are practicing BF and other tricks to compete ask him for permission In Texas they just want you to respect them and their lake .As one Texas parks and wildlife guy told me I don't care what you do just don't die on my lake Its a lot of paper work
I've read this whole thread and everyone talks about all the proper gear but all of you are forgetting the one SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT piece of gear you could get busted on no matter where you ride..the life vest..ya thats right the life vest, all of us wear smaller lighter style comp vests to facilitate movement on the boat.

if you read carefully you will see the bouyancy of a "comp" vest is below whats rated by U.S.C.G. not to mention a proper life vest approved by said coast guard also ensures when you float its head up/face up so yu can breath if unconsious..

so just fo fun im issuing you all the challenge...go read your life vest, i'm curious how many of us are actually wearing a legitimate coast guard approved life vest which would legally pass the regulations.

i wear an oneil comp vest and it says right on it "for competition only"...so if you run into a water cop who's on the ball about reg youll get nailed for it too..

just saying ;-)

edit...btw we must be less militant north of the border as several times i have had park wardens and police stop and ask the usual "oh my god do they still make those old things".. i laugh and say if you think 2004 is old then yes they do..and we chat all friendly like, offer them to hop on and try..all the while with no registration, no boating license, no fire extinguisher..

maybe ya'll should move north ha ha.
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So tonight I went out for a quick ride just before sunset. Reg stickers not on the ski yet, just got my home built hin and attached it but didn't put stickers on yet. Didn't have a fire extinguisher, did not have a whistle, did not have my boating license on me. So you could imagine the fines... The best part is the guy then tells me I'm not maintaining safe operation of the craft when attempting back flips. To make matters worse I had my nephew with me on the 300sx I still never registered or transferred from the previous owner and the stickers are out. He also didn't have a whistle or paper work or license on him. He's a minor so I'm getting hit with all the fines and possibly losing my license for 6 months. This is awesome!

hahaha. IM with you brian i have a very nice visual boat, good luck getting me put (MICHIGAN) MC numbers on it. KInda worked out for me this year cuz my ski is black and red and our reg. stickers are red this YEAR! perfect. I also wear an impact vest which is a ticket. plus i use a title from an old 650. GO spend your time getting people w/o fishinf liscences and people that blow over the legal limits on boats. i tend to ride where the cops are somewhat decent, but a struggling MI economy makes them think twice for quotas. lol. IM sure they will catch up to me one day. :smashfreakB:


STL Crew
I thought he meant Commies. Not short for commission. As I. derogatory comment.

I suppose one COULD make the argument 'commie' referring to 'central authority control' and general lack of freedom for the 'greater good' and 'public safety'.

Yeah......................... Commission is fine too...... lol.
I also ride on a lake in PA. It's a private 300 acre lake, but the fish police still have jurisdiction. There are only 2 ramps on the lake and it's pretty easy to spot their large Chevy Suburban (which is painted like a police car) with trailer. If they are out, I turn around and head home.
I also ride on a lake in PA. It's a private 300 acre lake, but the fish police still have jurisdiction. There are only 2 ramps on the lake and it's pretty easy to spot their large Chevy Suburban (which is painted like a police car) with trailer. If they are out, I turn around and head home.

Most times we look for them...
Fire extinguisher? Psh, whip that ski around point the nozzle at whatever is on fire and use your fire hose!!! And if your ski is on fire... Submarinethat biatch 5 to 10 feet under and starve it of air, flame goes out... (not recommended of AM hulls with no foam)


With all the environmental crap we're going to have to deal with, or already dealing with in terms of operating a 2-stroke engine... don't give the regulators any more reason to make up any laws that completely ban and/or outlaw stand-ups as we know them.

Ok, you don't like like carrying a fire extinguisher... boo-f@#$#-hoo. It's a couple of pounds, and can be solidly mounted in any of 4-5 spots on any stand up... quit your bitching.

I don't see the point either, but it is what it is.

A whistle? Come on man... really? You deserve a ticket on that just for being that damn lazy.

No registration on BOTH skis you had on the water? WTF... it's not that hard. Would you have driven your car without a license plate? I doubt it... you'd have at least ripped apart a piece of cardboard and made up a "lost tag" sign or something. Don't be lazy!

No boaters license on you? You mean you have one, but were just too lazy to bring it out with you? Just make a copy, laminate it, and keep it in a ziploc bag on your machine... tell them the original is on shore so it doesn't get ruined. There's no excuse for this either.

Backflips? Ok, I understand that you may not be happy that you can't do them... just try to stay FAR FAR FAR away from anyone else on the water. You may not be able to have your guy on the dock taking video, or picture, or whatever, but don't give them an excuse to come over an inspect you in the first place when you know you're already lined up for like 50 violations.

All of this is just being fined for being lazy... and there are people on this thread backing you up, and bitching about those damn commies for actually expecting you to follow the laws? How dare they!?!?!?! LMAO!

Introduce yourself to the patrol on hand when you arrive, let them know you're an amateur or professional competitor, and show them that you're 100% legit from the start.

What you basically did was prove them right...

They thought... who is this guy making trouble over there? Let's go check him out...

When they arrived, you proved them right. Everything you could have done wrong, you did. No VIN? You're lucky the thing wasn't impounded on the spot!

If I was on patrol, and found a machine with no VIN, I'd impound it on the spot, and not because I'm a dick... I'd do it because I've had a ski stolen in the past and one of the first things removed on a stolen ski is the VIN. I'd have impounded it in the hopes that I'd be returning stolen property to the rightful owner.

It seems like every 2-3 months one of these stories comes up, and people bitch and moan that they broke the law... and they got busted. I remember one story on here where 3 25k skis were impounded on the spot at the ramp because they didn't have proper VIN or registration. Everyone was flipping out about it... but the police did the right thing.

You actually got LUCKY that you're not having to go prove ownership, and retrieve your ski from the impound lot.

This kind of thread just pisses me off.

We wonder why some of our riding spots are disappearing, and why stand-up guys get a bad name for "no reason"... this is the reason!
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