Raw Power Carnage !


I forgot!
oh man you haven't even unleashed the monster hiding in there. my buddy has the same motor with total loss and race domes for special occasions and it is retarded. lol.


oh man you haven't even unleashed the monster hiding in there. my buddy has the same motor with total loss and race domes for special occasions and it is retarded. lol.

werd.. Total loss in surf not the best idea !
that and Super is to much money. Couldnt afford to ride if it was Race gas.

She is mean... I run 210 psi now on super ! and she RIPS !:arms:

Most of the time stuff breaks, I get all pissy...
I was so Proud today breaking that shaft...
That is awesome power !


Rip it, Pete. Caker beats on sheeeit. It is tough to make something Cakerproof.

Damn Pete you got stuck out there in that death storm!!!

Awesome carnage thou.

You saw that right.. NO FREAKIN JOKE !:Eyecrazy::lightning:
I am not that tough, lightning was like flash/bang like less then a mile away, I def. crapped my shorts !


Can't you just take the reduction nozzle and the tail cone off the pump and press the shaft out from the rear? Then you could weld a nut on the rear end of the shaft to hold it while removing the prop. This would work right, or am I thinking bass ackwards?


You on the right track ! I am going to take off the cone and see if i can get that in the vise to take off the prop ! Then go from there.
If not I heard the cone side has threads and you can get a nut that size and take it off that way !
we will see.. I did not even ask anyone the best way.
I am sure I'll shout pat and chuckie at some point tomorrow !


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Well, it's obvious that shaft is ready for the trash, so all he had to do it get the shaft out, put it in a vise, and then use the regular prop removal tool.


I forgot!
after he removes the reduction nozzle and tail cone. he should be able to put the rear end of the shaft in the vise. remove prop, press shaft out with pressure on front end so it goes out the rear.


That is what I could not remember is if you can press the shaft out from the rear of the pump or not. I thought you could and this would solve the problem. I do get thing bass akwards sometimes if I have not torn it down in a while.:dunce:


I forgot!
we all do, was that an oem shaft or a aftermarket one? i bought an aftermarket one that was fatter all the way along the shaft. not sure if it was as high quality of metal as an oem but i do know it was alot harder to put the prop seal on.
gotta love the hooker. that prop gave me a new appreciation for my ski and its power.

it defintely finds weak spots in your driveline though.

now its aluminum pump shoes for me.


makin' legs
That is what I could not remember is if you can press the shaft out from the rear of the pump or not. I thought you could and this would solve the problem. I do get thing bass akwards sometimes if I have not torn it down in a while.:dunce:

The driveshaft has to come out THROUGH the rear of the pump. There's not much shaft protruding through the rear bearing either.:no:
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