Reinforcement Q's Did I do enough?


This Is The Way
Staff member
The fear of cracking my hull and the fear of over-reinforcing it have been battling in my head all winter. I made a decision and hope it was the right one.
I wanted it to be stronger than OEM but didnt want a battle ship, the ski sees 100% flatwater and not a single roll attempt in its life (that will change this season)
I filled the bondline gap with 2 part foam, sanded it flush and ground my ribs down. Sanded the entire area with 80 grit and cleaned it up.
I then layed from bulkhead to just passed the fuel fill with
one 4" wide strip
one 8" wide strip
one full length section
all 8.9oz S glass
this stuff is thin!

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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
He already did this guys. It's just a matter of how well it will hold up. I say give it a shot and good luck. Thanks for volunteering your ski as a "test subject". Worst case scenario is it cracks and you have to repair/reinforce it more.
It's definitely stronger than it was before.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Offset each layer 45 degrees for strength in all directions.

Other than that you should be set.


Yeah unfortunatly its alread layed down...good info to know though. Thanks.

Im feeling pretty confident in it, as long as its stronger than it was before reinforcing Im pretty happy. Next season I plan on laying a layer of carbon over it but need to hone my skills before something like that. I figured this was good practice for wetting out large pieces, laying down large pieces and adding a little strength to my hull without totally messing it up and still easy enough to add to later. Its easier to add more reinforcement, its pretty hard to remove shoddy overbuilt, over resined reinforcement.
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you could always put another layer of 12oz over it. I would say that combination you have there, plus a full layer or 12oz glass would be equally as strong as 1708 biax.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I don't think 8.9oz is stronger than the ribs you ground off. you would have been better off leaving the ribs and only reinforcing the top half. imho


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
every crack starts and the lip that I've ever seen. I bet you could fill in the ridge in the lip with foam and then reinforce the lip only and make the ski much stronger than stock and stay light weight.

my ski was heavily reinforced when I got it but I cracked the hell out of it because the lip wasn't done. the crack started at the lip and then tore through the thick reinforcement.


This Is The Way
Staff member
you could always put another layer of 12oz over it. I would say that combination you have there, plus a full layer or 12oz glass would be equally as strong as 1708 biax.
If I did add another layer it would be carbon, I highly doubt I would ever put a layer of 12oz over it...too much glass.

I don't think 8.9oz is stronger than the ribs you ground off. you would have been better off leaving the ribs and only reinforcing the top half. imho
I was wondering that, and that is the reason I went with S glass. I also thought that it was the tie between the two halves that gave it more strength?

This is a flat water only boat and really will only see 6 months of riding till I tear it back apart. Now Im worried about it.
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JM781 Big Bore
Will you be reinforcing under the nose as well? My failed BR attempts busted my pole bracket twice last year. I have a much stronger pole now, and am hoping my nose reinforcement will keep my nose from being the weak point now.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Will you be reinforcing under the nose as well? My failed BR attempts busted my pole bracket twice last year. I have a much stronger pole now, and am hoping my nose reinforcement will keep my nose from being the weak point now.

I am still debating if I am going to do the nose or not, where I ride its almost always over 15' deep and I know where all the shallow spots are and dont do anything dumb there, maybe a shot of biax. The pole bracket will get reinforced, going to fill the voids this week, that will probably get a layer of 12oz biax and maybe one of 8.9oz. That is ALOT harder place to make a repair if something where to happen. I never really felt like my nose was a weak point, I really dont hit the bottom and for the limited time I have beat on this ski it has no cracks this is all precautionary...all I am going for on this job is to be stronger than OEM, not bulletproof.
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JM781 Big Bore
Cool. That's my main concern, the handlepole bracket area, due to pancaking. As far as lawn darting goes, hopefully won't happen where I ride, unless we have a real dry season.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
This is just my opinion, not trying to piss anyone off....but I think what you got is already sufficient for the majority of riders (and then some).
Especially riding flatwater, its unlikely you'll really test the limits of that reinforcing job - assuming you displayed good craftsmanship.
I would ride it as is.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
This is just my opinion, not trying to piss anyone off....but I think what you got is already sufficient for the majority of riders (and then some).
Especially riding flatwater, its unlikely you'll really test the limits of that reinforcing job - assuming you displayed good craftsmanship.
I would ride it as is.

I would ride as is too as long as the lip is reinforced.


Johnstown, NY
I'll be reinforcing my square within the month... I Have a ton of 17oz, 8.7oz, and some 6oz. What would be your guys suggestions on how to use it? It will be used for purely flat water too.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I would fill the bond line and hood lip with foam then reinforce with one layer of 17 oz biax for flat and 2 if you are learning surf rolls. not sure on the pole mount since I don't run a pole.

make sure you're reinforcing is real dry. too many people use lots of resin. it's not the glass that weighs so much it's the resin.


RN Surgery... soon
Agreed. If you are just going to learn to roll, ride it. Change it later if you choose.
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