Reinforcing a Square Nose


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Thanks for the comments guys!

Well I ordered more glass today. Last night I set up one hull upside down to asses how big of a PITA reinforcing the pole mount will be. Looks like a huge PITA, but I am going to do it. Hardest part is going to be the prep.... I will chronicle it all and post it in this thread, pictures and all. Stay tuned!

Edit: Local guys, if you want some help reinforcing, just coordinate with me and I'm sure we can work something out....
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salty nuts
coastal GA
Looking good. Good write up with the pics really help people who have not done this.
Are you going to defoam to lighten that sucka up some? Its got wet foam, no doubt.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
I haven't decided on the foam yet. I know that my foam is probably soaked to all hell, if the rest of the ski is any indication... It all depends on if I throw footholds in. I am debating on whether or not to go through all that trouble now - or wait till next season...
Few questions for you: Are the SN hulls fiberglass or that PVC stuff kawasaki used on the older skiis like the 650's? If so, can you glass to/over the other material on a an older SX? Also, is this reinforcing truly strong enough to suppor t the removal of the "ribs?" I can see on the sides, but the older SX's have ribbing on the bottom too. I like clean smooth look, but is it ill advised to remove my ribbing?
Thanks guys!


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
As far as the differences between kawi's and yamaha's go, I honestly have no experience working on kawis to give you a good answer. The bottom half of the sj hull is SMC - probably what you are thinking is like "pvc". You can easily glass over SMC, but you MUST use epoxy resin (not polyester) and rough and clean your surface well. I wish I could give you a better answer on the kawis but I just don't know.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Well, I just finished laying a layer of glass on my handlepole mounting area. What a giant pain in my arse, wow.....I am not as happy with the results, but thats what the 90 grinder is for tomorrow - to clean up my bad spots. From prep to glass, it just plain sucked. I ended up getting 2 layers just under where the bracket would go. All after filling the big voids in that section with thickened epoxy and then grinding the ribs down. I also filled my screw holes with a dab of silicone before I laid glass. You can hopefully see the results in the pics - maybe not. I left the 2 big ribs running front to back on the outsides of the bracket bolt holes and the glass just wouldn't lay down in that area, so I just cut the glass to help it lay down.....looks like hell... oh well, hopefully it is stronger.


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Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX

Well I hadn't planned on making this into a build thread but I'm too lazy to start another one. Anyways, ski's are both reinforced, this past weekend Travis and I painted the insides of the hulls and are now prepping for outside paint. Got a good bit of parts on the way from a few different members, thanks guys.


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Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Lots of work going on this week. Looks like the skis might be ready in time. Below is the progress. Cheers:beerchug:


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Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Penguin, sorry for not calling you, we just sort of met up friday night and got to work. To give you a bit of insight, we were peeling vinyl friday night. Started prep work early saturday morning. Sprayed and cleared the bottoms saturday night, sprayed and cleared the tops sunday morning. Pic's below show the results.

As for what paint we used, we were debating using Imron or another high durability (and price) marine paint. In the end, what you (Penguin) said about "why don't you guys just rattle can 'em" last week really hit home. Our philosophy basically came down to "well, they're gonna get f*cked up, why spend alot of money?". So we decided to try out the Duplicolor (from any autoparts store) "Paintshop" line. Sure, it may be sh*tty paint, but it's $22 a quart and easy as hell to spray and work with. Paint was sprayed with a $40 Kobalt siphon-feed gun (which Travis had laying around) and the results were astonishing.

Sure, the hulls aren't perfectly straight, and they have a few dings and chips that were too deep to fill with just primer, but we weren't going for a show class paint job. As for the spray job,, they look great. I still can't get over how pretty this color is. Should have them cut and buffed by this weekend.

Total Materials for Both Skis:
8 Cans High build primer ~$50.00
2 Quarts Blue ~50.00
2 Quarts Clear ~50.00

Total Cost per ski: $75.00 (Can't beat that)


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