Penguin, sorry for not calling you, we just sort of met up friday night and got to work. To give you a bit of insight, we were peeling vinyl friday night. Started prep work early saturday morning. Sprayed and cleared the bottoms saturday night, sprayed and cleared the tops sunday morning. Pic's below show the results.
As for what paint we used, we were debating using Imron or another high durability (and price) marine paint. In the end, what you (Penguin) said about "why don't you guys just rattle can 'em" last week really hit home. Our philosophy basically came down to "well, they're gonna get f*cked up, why spend alot of money?". So we decided to try out the Duplicolor (from any autoparts store) "Paintshop" line. Sure, it may be sh*tty paint, but it's $22 a quart and easy as hell to spray and work with. Paint was sprayed with a $40 Kobalt siphon-feed gun (which Travis had laying around) and the results were astonishing.
Sure, the hulls aren't perfectly straight, and they have a few dings and chips that were too deep to fill with just primer, but we weren't going for a show class paint job. As for the spray job,, they look great. I still can't get over how pretty this color is. Should have them cut and buffed by this weekend.
Total Materials for Both Skis:
8 Cans High build primer ~$50.00
2 Quarts Blue ~50.00
2 Quarts Clear ~50.00
Total Cost per ski: $75.00 (Can't beat that)