the WaTeRhAwK
fryin' up a/m electrics..
- Location
- okc
If you find a way to get back on a ski, and you’re riding a deep swell with me, you better personally ensure:
1.) you are physically up for it,
2.) you have the mental discipline to be safe while pushing your individual limits,
3.) your ski is up to par, and
4.) you’re having a really good time.
If you put my life (and ski) at risk via pulling you out of a treacherous break, you better ensure it was not due to a selfish error on your part, or you will wish I had left you there.
Accidents and injuries are going to happen, but the goal is to reduce them while having fun and pushing the envelope. That’s why we post the carnage stories in the carnage section…so that others may learn from our mistakes. It’s far from a badge of glory! It’s something to be taken seriously!! We have many young people on this site, and they naturally look to those individuals whom are older for guidance via example. The last thing we want is a death while riding in this network. DW was either in diapers or not even conceived when Crab graduated H.S, so that was not a fair comparison as Chris accurately stated (plus DW began when he was eleven).
Safety is always first. Fun is second. Self-perceived glory over a personal goal is last.
don't worry, I'd figure a way to stay on the ski. I'm thinking along the lines of a kayak harness, or something of that nature. maybe a couple of extra float attachments to make sure it self-rights in the water. low center of gravity and less the weight of my legs means I'd probably be pullin triple or quadruple eat your heart out Maxient, you got a gimped up nigga out there makin' you look handicapped...LOL