Retire from this sport=NO!


thanks darin...noswad!


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I thought you were retired D,are you not?

I have rode this year. Just not really enough to justify all this money tiemd up in skis/parts. I should close on my place at the end of next month and it is 5 mins from the water. That should help things next year. Right now my stuff is in a storage building on the other siode of town in the most inconvient place. Then again this house is going to make me poor so maybe I should just pull a crab and get out.

Heal up Jeff. I feel for ya even though i have no clue, knock on wood about broken bones.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I have rode this year. Just not really enough to justify all this money tiemd up in skis/parts. I should close on my place at the end of next month and it is 5 mins from the water. That should help things next year. Right now my stuff is in a storage building on the other siode of town in the most inconvient place. Then again this house is going to make me poor so maybe I should just pull a crab and get out.

Heal up Jeff. I feel for ya even though i have no clue, knock on wood about broken bones.

Hang on to your skis maybe you have some rich neighbors that won't notice that you sifiled the gas out of their vehicles so you could ride your skis.:buttkick:

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
Its time to retire and move on to other things, big sale coming soon. I still have some obligations with the Mason ski and such so i will be around for a while.


you've got to be kidding.
life sucks, get a friggin' helmet, or maybe some wristguards.

tell danny way you're going to "retire" and he'll laugh his 4ss off at you. that guy has had his acl's replaced with kevlar and nylon. he still skates like he thinks he's evil knievel.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
erm, unfair comparision...

DW makes a mint annually to destroy himself, kinda puts it into a different perspective than destroying your body for free...

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
erm, unfair comparision...

DW makes a mint annually to destroy himself, kinda puts it into a different perspective than destroying your body for free...

oh, so the only difference in the "comparison" is money?

wow, I thought you guys really liked riding skis. my


thanks darin...noswad!
the long and the short

2mm side to side, 1cm up and down missalignment, getting another ss plate installed tomorrow (permenant)

lots of interesting comments, some not so

may try plugging or removing footholds to kill the urge to go inverted

possible trade for stock 08-09

bottom line i do need a good and enjoyable form of exersize

wont be making any final decision till next season. i always had someone spotting for me for just this type of thing, i now know my bones cannot take that kind of abuse (sorry for one finger typing)

my score= 2:barrel: 2 broken limbs
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