Freestyle Rickter fs2


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Ehhhh, idk it's 38's are going to hit well on an 950. You need to be carefully with those Dasa engines. They have a really high port timing. You need some compression, timing, fuel, and pipe to wake it up.

If your going to run 38's on a 950, whats the point of even having a 950?

Dude I was 110% joking that's why I gave you the winkey eye ;)
I don't run 38s on any Ported motor. On a 950 I'd run 48s or 49s
Not sure what I'm gonna do yet. How does it change the handling with the rear tank? Is it better?

Haha, I have not even used it yet. I have fuel line blocking off the pick ups so water doesn't get it there. At least by not using it, later when I do, I will have something to compare to. Right now there is no point in running it cause i'd have two extra gallons in my ski for no reason. Just more of a PITA to load/upload with extra fuel in there. The reason I put it in there was because at some point, like yourself I plan to upgrade to a larger engine. When I do, I want to be able to ride as long as the guys that are running the 701 or something similar. In oceanside, when your out of gas, your go back to the harbor and your done not just pull up to the beach and refill.

Installing that rear tank is something your going to want to do right from the get go, otherwise your going to have all sorts of holes on your bulkhead from your ebox and what not. I was really torn between doing it or not, and I decided to. Im glad I did.

Dude I was 110% joking that's why I gave you the winkey eye ;)
I don't run 38s on any Ported motor. On a 950 I'd run 48s or 49s

Didn't see the wink, I usually try to look over winks from men and pretend like they didn't happen. Sorry. Even 46's should do. Dasa has some new carbs, you should try em sucker.s
Which engine are you trying to sell, old or new?

That guy posted up a thread before looking for rickters or bobs. It was pretty funny.


Couple questions. How far is it safe to go out on these poles? How far past the holes can ya go? And the safety rod isn't long enough. Is it needed.

I'm getting the cold fusion tank so where do the rubber hooks go?




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Brian, poles should be visible in slots to be safe, the RRP tubes are longer and the threaded rod should be long enough. The way you ride you better double check those things, lol
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