Rode this ski yesterday in Lake Ontario with Pat and Eric in some real surf for the first time. The power band is definitely higher with this motor, its likes RPM. If I had to guess i'd say that the power comes alive about 6000. Rode around for a bit to get used to the surf and ski, then pulled the trim and hit the wave pretty slow and did the fastest rotation back flip i have ever had. The spin was so fast I never could figure out where I was until seeing the water go by. I really thought I was going to over rotate. I didnt use trim on the second attempt but came up short. I need to concentrate on looking back, keep forgetting to do that. All in all I pretty pleased with this build, just have some issues I need to sort out.
I think we are narrowing a few things down.
Bad plate in battery = backfire, with Epic, or stock CDI
Backfires can break new starters and bendix, even with all new bushings etc
New battery rebuilt new starter, used bendix, and new Enhancer can still create small backfires
Still working out the details on this. I have it narrowed down a bit thanks to a lot of people.
Could be Stator and may or may not show up with testing. I dont like this answer as its to vague, only leaves me with rebuild or new stator. Help here would be appreciated.
Its not the Start/Stop and I have unhooked it and repalced it with a second new one
Any other feedback?
She is running fine just a little cold on the pissers which I'm going to restrict more and possibly a little rich.