Super Jet RN SJ -2" Fast Elements, DASA, Skat Mag, Cold Fusion Build up


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Thanks Chris. I did, it was fine, so I started it back up ran it on the hose, everything was fine. Not sure what happend night before last but I was really tired. It seems like ther are some gremlins, that i'm sure will be worked out soon. WaveDaze this weekend. I started and stopped it 6 times, no issues.
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Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Sorted out some of the issues. Had my 4th bad battery of the year. This one was reading full charge and 12V, but opon load test is shows bad. It was making the ski backfire. New battery and a week and a half worth of down time. Had to put the Wavedaze trip in there. :) Now she had here first surf lesson today. Wasnt to bad, still some tuning needed but it definitely has a lot more power than the 701 in my reg ski. The Mag really likes the surf and I can hit the throttle much later in the surf and still rip out of the waves with the power of the 850. So far im liking it. Just wish it was July again. Im getting used to the tubbies and the -2" hull. Id have to say this is the direction that I should have taken last year, this combo will make me a better rider, I just need more time on it if mother nature will cooperate


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Reworked the dual cooling for the third time. I need to do some research on dual cooling. Still to cold on my overboard fittings. Motors is waking up more now that its getting warmer but i need to get the straight. My hands arent even warmed by the water coming from my hand warmers


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
John. How is your cooling ran? I will post a sketch of the three ways i have been told so far when im back from the lake
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Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
This first one is the way I have it hooked up now with 4 mm restrictors, I have a 2.5mm where it says 120 jet in the stinger

Untitled-1 copy.jpg

This is another way I have been told to do it. I havent tried this way yet. I feel this will be even colder.

Untitled-2 copy.jpg

I really wanted to dial in alll the cooling and FP issues before rejetting on the Mains, I think I should be at 127.5 or lower. The 130 pilots seem good
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Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Rode this ski yesterday in Lake Ontario with Pat and Eric in some real surf for the first time. The power band is definitely higher with this motor, its likes RPM. If I had to guess i'd say that the power comes alive about 6000. Rode around for a bit to get used to the surf and ski, then pulled the trim and hit the wave pretty slow and did the fastest rotation back flip i have ever had. The spin was so fast I never could figure out where I was until seeing the water go by. I really thought I was going to over rotate. I didnt use trim on the second attempt but came up short. I need to concentrate on looking back, keep forgetting to do that. All in all I pretty pleased with this build, just have some issues I need to sort out.

I think we are narrowing a few things down.

Bad plate in battery = backfire, with Epic, or stock CDI

Backfires can break new starters and bendix, even with all new bushings etc

New battery rebuilt new starter, used bendix, and new Enhancer can still create small backfires

Still working out the details on this. I have it narrowed down a bit thanks to a lot of people.

Could be Stator and may or may not show up with testing. I dont like this answer as its to vague, only leaves me with rebuild or new stator. Help here would be appreciated.

Its not the Start/Stop and I have unhooked it and repalced it with a second new one

Any other feedback?

She is running fine just a little cold on the pissers which I'm going to restrict more and possibly a little rich.


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Just checked the red/white wire to ground 14-15 Ohms. I have to find superjets thread comment again on the stator checks. Not good, this leaves me looking at reeds and carbs.
I've had the best luck running 1 line to the motor and bypassing all overboard , running the other line to the pipe , feeing off to the stinger through a flow valve . Water out of pipe overboard .Cold water to pipe means it takes less water through the bleed holes to cool it so it's running dryer.I Also make sure the flow valve is right by testing it overboard to see that it flows once I hit the throttle hard , but does not flow at idle . They can get out of whack after a while . For winter or cold water riding you may need warmer water going into the pipe . My billet kawi Dasa gets hot as hell and there is no way I can run that hot water to the pipe even in cold weather . Pipe will melt down .


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Thanks for the feedback guys.

just read all I could on stators and opended tha manual.

I just checked charge coil at 505 Ohms, Pulser at 14-15 my meter doesnt do decimals but it was switching between the two so i'm assuming 14.9 ish Its about 45 deg F outside so the lower readings do not surprise me. Time to pull the carbs and reeds I guess??

Fro Diesel

creative control
Check your ac voltages in the stator. Don't just go by ohms

It is in the tech faq

Sent from Fro Diesel using Tapatalk.
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Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Turbo I'm assuming you are talking about doing these two tests here. It doesnt say but I'm going to assume that the second one is done while starting motor also? I also dont have an analog meter I only have digital

1. check the AC output of the "charge" coil. Don't get confused with the term "charge" coil......this is what Yamaha calls it, as it "charges" the cdi capacitor. This coil can generate in excess of 500 volts!!
Dis- connect the brown / white trace wire and ground wire and connect the meter leads to these wires, and while cranking the engine, observe the reading. You should have 30 to 50 volts AC depending on how good a battery and starter you have.

2. Check the pulser coil output. It's job is to tell the cdi when to fire the energy stored in the capacitor. Dis- connect the white / red trace wire and connect the meter leads to this wire and the ground wire. You should get a pulsating 4 to 5 volts AC. (ps, an analog meter is best for this test)
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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Brian, are you running resistor spark plugs and caps? Epics need both. I had some problems with one, and found out that my coil was going bad.
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