Sooo about these hx rocker kits, is that something still available?Also have new rocker kits for the seadoo HX if anyone wants to Frankenstein a seadoofirst few I'll do real cheap
Also have new rocker kits for the seadoo HX if anyone wants to Frankenstein a seadoofirst few I'll do real cheap this something that is still available for the hx?Also have new rocker kits for the seadoo HX if anyone wants to Frankenstein a seadoofirst few I'll do real cheap
Yes it is! $ this something that is still available for the hx?
Yet to have actually rode one this something that is still available for the hx?
I'm building a kaw1100 right now. Thought a rockered one would be perfect! Does it shorten the rear also, or just a nose piece?I’ll take $100 for anyone who wants to give an HX kit a try