what would it take to make a pipe to match this?
Should fit Blasters and Superjets and already cleared for PV's. The mani should be already bored to 85mm ( i think that is the number) and have the tuning screws like the Factory Pipes. Make it like the MOD style but with LTD features. or combo of both.
The pipe alone would sell VERY well at the 700 to 800 range. This would cover stock type 61X, 62T and 64X as well as any Lamey type motors.
If it has to made to only fit the Lamey type motors it would sell less and figure your you would be in the 800 to 1K range.
Input please?
I jet ski for the love of it, I do not claim to know anything as I’m dumb and stupid. If you don’t like what I said then go ride your Blaster, Superjet, Couch, Wife, Girl friend, Boy friend or what ever makes you stop whining, crying and complaining.