Share your standup jetski story!


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
I thought it would be super cool to have a thread dedicated to people sharing what got them into standup jetskis and how it's affected their life(besides just draining the wallet!!).

Here's mine! It may be long but I think it's worth the read :p

Honestly, this is long over due. But I owe it to the x!

A little bit of background about me: I got into motorsports super young and always have had a love for anything with an engine. I got my first threewheeler(I think it was a suzuki trailbuddy), when I was less than 5 years old. From then on, I moved to little Eton fourwheels, eventually to a yamaha blaster, and then a honda 400ex. I also had a Kitty Kat snowmobile, then moved up to a snoscoot(which we never would have sold them, they are one of the most fun things to ride), and now a Yamaha vmax 600. My dad owns a business that sells and fixes landscape equipment so he had an interest in engines to begin with, but the reason I was able to get into motorsports was because my dad was capable of fixing pretty much anything since he's been a mechanic his whole life. Sometimes it meant buying something that was an absolute POS and restoring it, or waiting years to find something at the right price, or not getting something top of the line. I'm extremely lucky to be able to get involved in motorsports!! Doing all of the maintenance yourself saves a ton of money too..I also have a mechanical background. I started working at the shop since I was about 12 when I first learned how to rebuild a carb on snowblowers haha. I absolutely loved taking things apart and figuring out how they work.

I went on ATV trips, snowmobiled upnorth, and occasionally road my sitdown jetskis about once a year when we go to celebrate labor day up north with friends and family. I liked Atving and snowmobiling, but not enough that I became a diehard fanatic. Riding snowmobiles on narrow upnorth trails scared me for a lot of reasons. Not only were you very close to traffic going the opposite way when you're pinning it around a turn, but you've got tons of people that endup going to the bars and getting on the trails and being stupid. There are so many horror stories played out on the trails. ATV's were pretty fun, but I only got to ride them a handful of times every year and the good trails were hours away.

Flash forward a bit, and my family and my uncle went in together on a lake place after searching for years to find one that we could afford. The cottage is on a small 80 acre lake(perfect for tuning and just bombing around and working on flatwater tricks!), and then you can cross the street to a 1000+ acre lake that's full of HUGE wakeboard wakes and all kinds of fun stuff. It's full of loaded rich people with killer boats and a killer atmosphere. I believe this happened a little over two years ago. Since I was on the lake, I saw some sit down jetsis and I really really wanted to get one. I was constantly looking on craigslist with my dad, but we didn't have too much luck. Later that month I ended up going on a kayak training camp with my grandparents, and I absolutely dreaded every second of it. I was so bored and it just wasn't fun at all. When I came home the day of the end of the trip, I went straight to our lake place and went down the stairs..What did I see? A Polaris Virage 700 sitting right in front of the pier! I was geeking out and so freeken excited it was ridiculous. It was after sunset but I didn't care, we had to take it back to the launch anyways so I took it for a good rip. It was fast, went about 50 MPH but it was so relaxing. I would endup spending hours out on the lake just bombing around going WOT around the little 80 acre lake. I started getting really bored of that, so I started doing those super fast hard turns where the ski pretty much does a 360 and breaks lose. Except this ski was so heavy and big it was kinda hard to throw around. I eventually tried to get air off of my own little setup wake, and me going constantly around in circles pissed the neighbors off! I had the cops called on me a couple times even though I always kept my distance. It's a quiet lake and people got pissed off easy. I would go through a 15 gallon tank really fast, and it was really expensive. Then I saw this guy on our lake just doing little bunny hops on this wierd thing standing up and I thought it was super cool. It was the first stand up jetski I ever saw. My dad and I thought it was pretty cool, and I thought maybe since it's smaller it would save gas. Plus, I was getting bored of my sit down so maybe a little variety would be good. Honestly, my idea of a standup jetski saving gas what a major reason I wanted to get one lol.

I decided to research "standing up jet skis", and I started watching some youtube videos and I was so pumped to try one! I was honestly amazed when I watched the 2012 world finals video. I looked on craigslist, saw some kawis that were around 500-800$ and I thought that would be a good start and something I could afford. Shortly after, my dad said that he thought our neighbor across the street at home had a standup jetski that he never used anymore. It sat outside under a cover so we had no idea what it was. One day I finally worked up the guts to go ask him about it. He said he'd maybe sell it. He took the cover off of it, and it was this Yamaha Superjet. I told him I was really interested and he said he'd get it running and I could take it for a ride to see if i want it. Couple days later he had it all good to go and he said I could take it for the day and just return it when I'm done since he trusted my dad and I. I was already in my truck ready to go to the lake, and my dad was still talking to him. All I overheard was my dad asking how much he wanted for it, and then my dad saying that we're probably going to take it. I had no idea what the price was. We took it to the lake, and holy crap was it hard to ride!! After like 15 minutes I could get up and stand up and go in a straight line, but turning was a no go. I was riding on my knees and doing sharp turns and just fooling around. I fell off about a million times in 1 hour, but it was so worth it. I told my dad that I absolutely have to buy this thing no matter what the price is. I'll work tons of overtime if I have to because I've never had more fun in my life. We get back, and I go to talk to the guy and ask him what he wanted for it. He says "I know what these go for, and I know you're going to have fun with it. So with the trailer and everything, you can have it for 300$ with the trailer. " I did some research before and I was totally fine with spending 1500 on it if I had to. I continued to ride the hell out of it for a couple weeks, and then suddenly it would die after riding for about a half an hour..I ended up finding PWCToday and was doing a bunch of research on it to figure out what it could be. I foundout I needed a cdi for my 650 cc engine. Little did I know that I sure as hell didn't have a little 650 in there... Turns out I had a 1995 yamaha superjet 701 cc with a limited b pipe, extended ride plate, ocean pro steering nozle, and UMI steering. All that plus a cover plus a trailer for 300$!!! When I found out how much a b pipe was worth I was so ecstatic. I ended up selling the nozzle for 150$ and that extended ride plate for 80$! I knew I got a deal, but didn't know I got that much of a deal. I only got to ride it at the end of august and beginning of september before school started, but even after that I knew that I wanted to mod it. Then I stumbled across the x, and that's where the fun began. Honestly, I was a little intimidated to post here. Everyone was more into freestyle and an advanced rider, and I'm just this little teenager that just got into the sport a few months ago!

That winter I tore the tray apart and installed footholds and did turf for the first time. Also added a bilge pump. That season my riding progressed sooo soo much it was insane. I ended up getting a hooker prop, cdi with a raised rev limiter, putting on a scoop grate and d cutting my ride plate which blew me away. I had no idea how much I was missing with that stock aluminum prop. I had some hiccups that season like coil wires needing to be cut back, bad tank valve, etc. But towards the end of the season, my ski started having symptoms like bad coil wires. Eventually I'd ride and it just wouldn't clear up. I came in, replaced the plugs. One plug had some like metalish looking deposit and the other was fine. I didn't think anything of it so I just popped new plugs in it. It ripped for a little bit, but then ran like crap. I was idling right next to the pier when all of the sudden I felt a clunk and my ski shut off. I figured maybe it was just the drive shaft that got locked up somehow due to something in the prop. My dad put his hands on the cases and he said they were EXTREMELY hot. They actually burned his hand even though he barely put his hand on them. I got a little worried, and then I took the plugs out and looked down one hole. One hole was fine, but the other hole had chunks of aluminum in it. It was that moment that I knew I was effed..Like seriously, I still had 2 months of ride season left and school hasn't even started, and I wrecked my motor? And I'm broke and I can't even afford to rebuild it right now before I payoff some other stuff.. I'm not gonna lie, a couple tears fell! I was so pissed. It was my baby! It sure was enjoyable to be towed behind a boat on plane while I'm standing up going crazy though. It was a good last ride of the season :p

Story continued on next page...


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
Story cont:
When I tore apart the motor, I was impressed by the damage done. Cylinders were fine even though the piston skirt shattered, but the rod on the crank literally melted off due to a bad bearing. I was surprised. I got some money together and I got it rebuild and bored to 81.5 mm. I was capable of doing the motor by myself, but my dad wanted to help me out and it honestly was a blast having my dad teaching me little tricks he foundout over the years and double checking my work. That winter I reinforced every aspect of the ski, and put in tom21 footholds and a kickass turf job. They were so tight!! I was just getting into stabs though, and I wanted to be safe. I got a hazard bracket, rn pole, blowsion steering and riser bars, and all of the other goodies. Also got an ada head with 35 cc domes and a stubby cone :), rebuilt and rejetted my carb. Originally I was only running the stock head tapped for dual cooling, but after getting my ski dialed in I wanted more power.. I put that head on, and holy hell! That ski RIPPED! Got 6 gallons of oil through it and was riding till it was 39 degrees out. Could have went longer, but college got in the way. I ended up advancing to full out inverted nose stabs, and was starting to work on barrel rolls. I'd say I'ma fairly decent rider now and ready to take it to the next level.

Originally I was talking to @Dalton about my ideas for the build this winter, and I was talking to him about how I won't be able to get an AM hull until after college so I've got to make the best out of my current hull while I can. He said that an AM hull might not be too far off for me. I asked him what he meant by that, and he said the next hull he plans to produce will be a short freestyle hull and he's going to need some help with it, and some testers. As the project got started, Dalton was looking for some advice on aesthetics and options he should include on the hull, and other innovative things. @Joker and I talked back and forth about certain things and were able to give Dalton a decent amount of insight. After seeing the molds, I'd say it turned out to be a success! Yes we gave Dalton some tips, but all in all he did all of the hard work! It's just so cool to be able to have an influence on a product and gain a friendship out of it. No I didn't get a free hull out of all this, but we've worked out some agreements and I'm finally going to be able to afford my first AM hull. I sent my cylinders out to get ported, and I've got the chance to take my riding to the next level. I couldn't be happier honestly, and I'm so blessed to have gotten this far in a short period of time! I will finally be hitting up some flips and rolls this summer :)

There's a little of my story about where I started and where I'm at now with standup jetskis. More importantly, skis honestly have had a drastic effect on my life besides the thousands of dollars I've spent because of the sport..I've always had a thing for mechanical things and thought I was probably going to become an engineer someday, but standups honestly are one of the main reasons I chose this career. Heck, the past couple months I've been wanting to create some parts and I've been fooling around on CAD software with some ideas. I just don't have the money to get started. Standups honestly have brought out an innovative side that I never knew I had, and the amount of knowledge I have gained over the years from this site and hands on experience is immeasurable. I've learned a ton about working with composites and my technical skills have increased ten-fold.

Yeah it's awesome that I learned a lot from this sport, but that's definitely not because of me. The community here is amazing. Yeah, there's a decent amount of drama here and there, but nothing too extreme. Yeah there are some complete trolls, but for the most part people here are extremely willing to help. Sometimes I say stupid stuff, but for the most part I try to help and contribute here. We're all in this sport together and we all want to have fun with it!! A lot of vendors here share that mindset too. Yeah, they're here to make money, but there are quite a few vendors here that try to have the most budget prices to keep us riding. Oh, and tons of them are so willing to answer any questions you have. I know I've probably annoyed some with my questions, but I've never had someone not answer my questions here. Yeah this part of my post is similar to a thank you to the x thread a while back, but I honestly have to say thank you to @JetManiac , @OCD Solutions ,@powerhouseperformance ,@speedysprocket ,@tom21 ,@TOBY ,@holeshot , and anyone else I've forgot. You guys have helped make all of this possible for me! Honestly, I have met some extremely cool people here that have had a huge influence on this sport for me. You all know who you are, and I really appreciate it. :)

Sorry for the length, but I couldn't have it any shorter without skipping too many details! If you read all of that, you're the real mvp ;)

Standup jetskis have become a huge part of my life whether it be from how much they've taught me or from the community I've met because of them.


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
If you truly want I could sum it all up in one paragraph. But I said eff if and decided to write everything. Like I said, I'm hoping to hear other people's stories...


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Almost forgot. Here's how I got into jet skis. Saw it, liked it. Rented a couple around 85 and had a blast. It was an addiction and still is. The end.
I grew up spending summers on the family's boat. Another family at the club had a pair of 3 seat Seadoos that I rode a couple times. My Dad almost randomly decided to get my little bother one. He got the possibly cleanest 1990 SPi of the early 2000s...
We are gear heads and wanted speed, so Seadoos quickly multiplied from 580s, to 720, culminating with two 787 X4s. The 96 XP was my baby.
Graduated college and moved to Norfolk/Virginia Beach area where I found a boat ramp that led to the ocean. First time out in real ocean surf, by myself. Couple other guys out there on sit downs, and back at the ramp they told me to look up, and I did. Started riding with them all the time. Matt, who now lives in the Daytona area, let me ride his super jet one day, and that was a tough couple minutes. I swore I'd ride my Seadoos forever.
Went on a 6 month deployment, and towards the end, I felt like I had to get a standup. Thought superjets were the only option as kawis are just crap. But I hate Japanese products, so when I discovered Polaris made an all American standup, I had to have an Octane, and actually found one on ebay a few hours from my parents as my ship was making the trans-Atlantic trip back home. I won it and Dad picked it up. Needed a bunch of work, but I still have it and that has led me down the trail of being different, of doing my own thing. That's why I still run a Polaris engine and pump in my Foot Rocket (with the help of @egbrig).
So that's my story. And I got bored just fixing (and ski is more reliable now) so I try to apply my knowledge and skills to a hobby of making whatever I can, at affordable prices to help folks out and fund my ski.
And @Roseand, no problem on answering your annoying questions... The more educated (less stupid or ignorant people), the better.
on a Thursday in 2011 (I believe) a friend invited me to his yearly camping trip at lake mcconaughy. He said there would be jet skis (I assumed sit downs) and tons of food. I couldn't wait for the weekend so I called in sick Friday and headed out. When I got there he had 5 650sx's sitting on the beach and told me to take them out whenever I wanted. They all had wetsuits since the water was so damn cold. I figured:

So I spent the next few days learning how to ride doing about 10 minute shifts in the water and then warming up on the beach. By the end of the weekend I was feeling like Zoolander.


I wasn't a very fast learner. It didn't matter. I was hooked. I got back Monday and by Wednesday I had bought my first ski, also a 650sx. I've been utterly obsessed ever since.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Rode my first standup around 1980 or so. It was a kawi 440. Damn thing would barely run. Constantly flooding.......... Man was it fun............ Wanted one ever since. Picked up my first one in 1990. All I could find was an 86 X2. Man I loved that ski. Then a 550, Sold them both to pay for new engine in my S10 Blazer. Picked up a 550sx a few years later...... (1993), Rode it until 98. Picked up a new SJ in 99-2006, Picked up SXR in 2004 (Sold it in 2010), Replaced SJ Hull in 2007. Still Running it.............. This is a short story.


Buy a Superjet
Was in the market for a sit down because it was all I knew. Then I saw a guy doing barrel rolls over a bouy at the lake and had to have a stand up after that. Also this sport makes you a hoarder.. I have had up to 8 jetskis at my house at one time.. Luckily I am now down to 3 blasters and two stand ups... Anyone want to buy a stock blaster?


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Wanted a jet ski for something to do, purchased a Seadoo got bored purchased a Kawi SX stand up met other people like me made a bunch of friends in the stand up world. Every weekend was ski’s moved on to a superjet still have it. I even met my wife through the ski world and we both still ride


I have always loved the water. I traded a ATC110 for a old 89 waverunner 500. Sold that POS and picked up another WR500 in better shape. Sold it, bought a 650cc waverunner LX, rode with a buddy i knew from a truck club, and he rides a brawler 735. Got me interested in something more fun than the sitdown. bought a 94 SN in a box, motor came home in my front seat. Rode it twice, then decided to modify. Bought a top end, solas pump, among other things and rode it all last season. Blew the motor in august? Ran a 650 top end the rest of the season. Now im rebuilding again, both my skis are getting new top ends, both skis blew a piston last season. WR LX cracked the piston crown, SJ blew a 61x 763cc BB from a failed circlip.
Kiowa, KS
Dang Rosie, I'm assuming everything you wrote is a chronicle of your life thus far on the X. I'll read it later. Maybe. And post up my life story later also ;)
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