:dunno: if you are referring to me but this topic is site attitudes and when simple questions go unanswered then it looks like the people that know don't care or want to help. remember it says post reply - be respectful. when no one replies on this site and they get the answer on pwct from some one that could have answered it over here but did not it looks like you have to be in a clique to fit in over here. like i said this is an observation and my opinion. we as a group have to help noobies with what we can. Every one needs to remember we where all noobies at one time.
There is quite the clique on the X.
What's the Difference Between a Group of Friends and a Clique?
Friendship groups are normal and healthy. It's nice to feel you belong and fit in. It's good to know you have friends to hang out with. Being part of a group can help people develop relationship skills, feel close to others, get and give support, share ideas, discover what's important to them, and have fun.
Usually, friendship groups form around the things people have in common. So skaters, jocks, Goths, preps, punks, and even the math club are naturally drawn together because they share the same values and interests. The people in these groups feel they have a place where they are welcome and supported, and where they can be themselves, quirks and all.
Some groups stick together for a long time. Others drift apart after a while as people develop new interests, make different friends, or just find they have less in common. People can move in and out of different groups and can even be part of several at the same time. Even within a group, people often have one or two friends they feel closest to and enjoy the most.
Some friendship groups seem pretty flexible and welcome people to join in. Others seem much more restricted, though. People in these groups make it clear that not just anyone can be part of their crowd. That type of restricted group is sometimes called a clique.
every site is made up of Cliques, big deal........... look the the TCJetpilots on PWCToday..............
this whole site is a Clique of Freeriders, inside this Clique there is sub cliques.......... when I go racing, there is a whole group of us (most are on the site here also) that hangs out, we pit together, go eat together, share hotel rooms together, that is another Clique................
But here is the deal, each person here needs to try and help out the other........ We did not always know what we know now....
Example, I remember a guy from somewhere near ST Louis contacted me about some paint questions before he painted his ski............ you help out........ you post your expericences, or if you just dont know, pop in and say "Hey, shoot Bob a PM, he may know your answer"............