SJ conversion or death


X-2? Yes please
Cape Cod, ma
I don't live near waves so I will just tell you guys.

You hit the wave, push down on one side of the ski to make it do a barell roll. But instead of you rolling with it, you do a nothing. I would call the trick a ski flip. I think it could be done on an X2. Just push down on one tray and bars while yanking up on the other side handle bar. Would suck if it didn't rotate all the way around though. One of these days I will pull it!

I think I understand what you mean.....get air, then make the ski do a "barrel roll" under you as you do a "nothing"....then get back on....sounds damn near impossible, but yeah you would need a FIXED BAR ski for that, as the pole would drop down. Sounds painful.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
You guys buy me a japanese X2 hull that weighs half the weight of stock, a big bore 800 SXR engine with total loss, dual novi's a new FPP and a skat mag pump and I will do it for you!

I totally think it is do able and you wouldn't need more than ten feet of air.

I used to to a tail stand on my tX2, get it bobbing up and down pretty good like you were doing a 50/50 or monkey jump. Then as it launched out of the water, twist the bars and throw the ski so that it did a 360 in the air and then landed back on the water. Of course I was never connected to the ski and it landed away from me to where I had to remount the usual way.

But in the surf I am banking the trick I mentioned earlier could be pulled! I am not a surf rider so I would take some getting used to it befoire I tried one. Maybe if I make it to Daytona...

So do you think a stock 650 can do a backy? If I come I will enter the cherry buster for sure. I have foot straps and a helmet!


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
The question is not if your X2 can do a backflip or not ,its whether you can do a backflip on your X2 or not.

Well considering my buddy Pete who rides an X2 better than anyone I've ever seen has tried a few and failed and received a few lumps in the process it's pretty hard to pull off.
And he's riding an 840cc piped ,propped,pumped beast .


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I would like to put this spare 1100 ZXi engine I have in an SXR then put the 800 in my X2.

Do you guys remember who did the first barell roll and what ski it was on?

most likely wont be resonably priced and for gods sake its a kawi:spank:

Kawie SXR is cheaper than an SJ.

Well I still think a backie is doable on an X2. Pete is the man on X2's no doubt. I was reading on here the other day how Ross C killed it on someon's stock Square Nose. They basically said it was all rider, not ski. I see all you guys doing them on SJ's so I figure it is doable. Hell when I first got on these boards years back Nick was riding a busted 800 couch he repaired and wasn't even on stand ups then. Now he kills it. I just need practice in the surf, LOTS OF PRACTICE!
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X-2? Yes please
Cape Cod, ma if they made a sxr setup with a fixed bar conversion....I would be ALL over it!

and yeah, I was trying backflips on my x2 today in the surf....basically i was just landing upside down...BUT I think I can do it eventually
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