I learned this evening that David Cook-the marine police guy that patrols this end of the lake that is not patroling this end of the lake right now---lives at the entrance to Smith Lake Park. I talked w/him the other day and he said---
NO PROBLEM---called him back this evening to make sure he hasn't changed his F!@ing mind-and can u guess??? He now also works as park security and works for Alabama Power who owns the lake(didn't know they could own a lake)-and his instructions from Alabama Power are to issue citations/arrest/and or convict on the premise of felony tresspassing if anyone is caught w/a motorized vehicle on the shoreline below the 'full pool'
line which is 510'. The lake is currently at 487.7'. NOW-w/all that said-HE said
"what I don't see, won't be a problem" then said that vehicles parked along shoreline must remain at 510' mark which is bout 100-150 yards away from the current shoreline. He was adament about us NOT launching from the bank
where we would be parked. He states we need to use boat ramp which is next to the park-by water is about 250-300 yds from boat ramp to where we would be beaching the ski's. Feel free to use myself, Cheryl, and Sherry as ski's niggas or car niggas to help get yer stuff from point a to point b. If anyone brings beach carts-that would be awesome!!! W/beach carts-bank launching would be a breeze and LEGAL. Last topic was he don't care if we do a Saturday night bonfire at the shoreline-so bring lawn chairs and we'll get ripped. I HATED POSTING THIS-BUT BETTER TO TELL U GUYS I F@#@ED NOW-THAN TO LET U GET A TICKET THIS WEEKEND. It figures-I try 900 ways to cover ALL the bases-and 1 person screws it up-If I had known he lives where he does-I'd of suggested Speegles during the day like Barbara and Jarrod have said all along-tho technically-he has juristiction there too.
Now for the long story short-Same rules as Bald Ridge campground at Lanier.