So who wants a fully setup PWC shop in GA

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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I don't think you ride X2's at night biotchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I know you secretly want to hump my camel seat,thats why I am staying in South Bama you guys are freaking wierd up Nawth.
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suck it bitches. thats me doing a barrel roll. if you look in a mirror right now, thats you being jealous of my ninja wizard skillz!


hey-o! wife calling! saki to bed! out!


Ride for life
North NJ
So did the really short short short short guy just tell this ad is for real?
Does this mean dyno man will only be building super duper high HP motors that produce extreme bottom end while running a TNT chamber.
Oh, for anyone looking Gil has 1 for sale


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Hi All,

Yes, I’m selling the Routine maintaince side of my company.
I have been blessed with a work venture that will afford me the luxury of not having to work on recreational runabout craft any longer for my living.
I can now do what my 1st love of watercraft is, building performance freeride stand-up’s
LPW is Not closing. It’s getting better!
I will have more efficient use of my time, with fewer distractions.
I will be able to have more time to ride with friends & enjoy the sport for what it is.

Have a Great Summer & see you on the water

Ski ya, Paul
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