no doubt in my mind.....WAB and carter presented the most style....dont make me choose as to who rode better.....but the last 5 minutes of the comp lets just say wab KILLED it (we'll blame it on the good set he caught hehehe)
I saw TONS of great manuevers......thrillhill is, ex racers got the stamina and Jim

ing goes off....his ski is pinned from the moment he takes off to coming ENTIRE time.
andy (wab) has come into his element the past year or 2 with a good running boat has progressed leaps and bounds..I love watching him as everything is high trolling at all. squares rule.
maniac.......killed it as well, althogh i know he was dying to backflip...freaky is light off the waves and i could definatly see myself on that platform

iung awesome as well......goes off, fearless and handles the boat like its weightless.....i'd fear him as a competitor any day of the week.....especially since CB dont care about breaking stuff.......
this comp was so awesome...not a single flip or roll.....all fluid with no bobbling....IMO the aerial moves are sweet, but they are not FLUID. the mx and bmx guys would laugh us off the table, but NOT in a comp like this....high speed wave shredding and unless you are grindng gel off the bottom of your ski, you aint doin it right
IMO I cant stand MANY (not all) of the flips and rolls done by skis as they are NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT fluid...........
..unless the nose is down, it sucks.....yes many of my own are nose up but that just shows how difficult is really is
keeping the nose down is NOT easy....
cant wait to see what happens on a day when all competitors (including myself) have more than 2 hours sleep!
slutty has the mechanics of the comp down flat...its going to be an incredible display of skill and PURITY.............and BTW....3 minutes of WOT surf riding is definatly taxing....not to be taken lightly