Cost Break Down
Some guys on PWC were asking me to post this to help people plan their builds. I don't have all the info exactly b/c I have been buying parts for this motor over the last year, so some things I will need to go off memory. Some parts I got deals on others I paid to much for b/c I changed my mind on what I was going to run. This would have been allot cheaper if I just built up an existing 701, but I went from a 650 to a 701. This is also not all out of pocket funds, I parted out the modded 650 motor and got about 1000 from all that.
*ADA head/ 33cc domes and hardware.......................340.00ish
*B-pipe with mod chamber and water injection.............450.00 (I'm not running the water injection)
*New Hot Rods Crank............................................. ..350.00
*62T cases............................................. ...............180.00
*61x cylinder.......................................... ................90.00
*Riva Couplers.......................................... ..............100.00
*Lightened flywheel service by pro-tec........................50.00
*F/S porting........................................... ................350.00
*Case porting and epoxy filling...................................450.00
*Materials to blueprint pump......................................16.00
*Stubby cone.............................................. ...........50.00
*Used Riva manifold.......................................... .......60.00
*Stock carbs w/ stock cages, manifold, boyesen reeds and reed stuffers.......................................... .......................250.00
*V-force reeds (bought from a racer that had 1 race on them)............................................. ......................124.00
*Wiseco Forged Piston Kit........................................249.54
*Cylinder boring............................................ .........110.00
*Motor Assembly and Pressure test............................190.00
*JSS Complete carb rebuild (new jets, all SS screws internal and external, UMI throttle wheel, blast and re-epoxy coat, porperly shimm and mount to R&D manifold, billit mixture knobs ect.....not taper bored!! He may have done some more stuff, I pretty much told him to do the whole 9 yards on them).................................411.00
Total Motor Stuff thus far........................................3820.54
Minus $$ from parting out 650..................................1000ish
Shelled out $$..............................................ab out 2500.00
Hope this helps some of you guys and gals build you boats. In retro spect........just buy a ski with a 701 and you will save a crap load of money. Honestly iy probably would have been more cost effective to sell my 650 and buy a roundnose sj....but then again I have allot of time and $$ in the hull as well and it was handling great last year, just needed more power. I think you guys can get the idea of why I am not getting my X-jet this year

Doing the complete motor was in my plans but replacing the tranfercase in my Jeep and getting 1/2 back from my tax return was not