Squarenose Project Back ON!!



What build would be complete w/o a defoam and refoaming w/ 2lb foam. I figured since this is a complete rebuild I might as well see if I was taking on any water. To my surprise it was just slightly damp at the bottom :banghead: Guess I could have left it alone......but we are talking about me and I don't leave sh!@ alone. 2lb foam should do the trick and save a little weight.......at least thats how I'm justifying the work :cool2:

**When doing foam take away the foam arounf the exhaust pipe, drill out the rivots of the pipe and remove for easy access to the rest of the foam.

This project really is not all that bad if you are not in a rush to get on the water. I am just taking my time and am rather enjoying it. Have the right tools though. I took most the foam out with a screw driver in large chunks, then used the grinder with a shop vac runnning next to the grinder. This really cust down on the foam flying aroung. That stuff is nasty and you don't want to breath it in.............wear a good resperator and gloves. Keep checking you vac filter...........I cleaned mine at least 6 times.


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filling joints w/ black 3M 5200 sealant. I only had a little water in it. The points that were leaking were the drive shaft tube and a couple of the ride plate bolts. From the factory it looks like they used stickers to cover the top of the screws threads. I think I am going to use SS or plastic caps and epoxy them on.......then put a little sealant over that.


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I plan to have it in my buddies booth 1 week. I have allot of body stuff to take care of. I am waiting on my hood gasket so I can put that on and trim the hood for a tight seal, then I have to do fiberglass work, reinforce the nose, mud the body and block sand it. I take it back.......2 weeks it will be ready for paint :biggrin: If everything goes well I will be turfing and putting the motor in by the first week of may.
looks great. where di you get you're glass, foam and stuff?
I debated on yanking the rear exhaust and installing a second scupper and just doing front exhaust. hhmmm I will probably just keep it the way it is. I want to ride sometime soon.
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Limerick, PA
sjweber said:
looks great. where di you get you're glass, foam and stuff?
I debated on yanking the rear exhaust and installing a second scupper and just doing front exhaust. hhmmm I will probably just keep it the way it is. I want to ride sometime soon.



Weighed the hull.......99-101lbs (my scale is not that accurate) w/o foam or hood. The hood weighs in at 13-14lbs. So with foam and footholds I estimate it will weigh 120-130. Not to bad considering it is reinforced and a stock round nose weighs in at about 105-110 so I am pretty much right on target. It's still a big biotch........not SXR big :biggrin: but still pretty chunky.

I'm not to worried about weight at this point b/c I think last year it handled great, just needed a little more power. SO if I can tie up some loose ends, keep the same weight and increase power I should be happy w/ its all around performance. I wish I weighed my 650 motor and protec exhaust......I swear the new 701 feel lighter maybe 5lbs +.....that protec exhaust on the 650 was hefty.
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Grand Rapids, MI
The 650 and the 701 weigh the same, or within 1-2 pounds depending which carb setup you run. The Protec exhaust is about 21 pounds and the B pipe is about 14 so you'll save some weigh there.

All weights I post are approximate...


Prep work is the devil......................almost done though...........NOT!! :)


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Still working........Glassed in the exhust tube and the old scupper tube hole in the rear of the ski to drop it down a little more. Mounting dual scuppers out the back and single exhaust out the front (this thing will sound like it has 383 stroker in it :biggrin:) I hope I get this thing done by the Riot Ride..........we are getting high 70-degree weather and I am getting ancey, but allas I can't rush it. I will be riding this ski for a while and want to do it up the way I enjoy them.

The nice thing about defoaming the ski and installing scuppers is you can fully seal it on the inside as well so that takes away allot of worry about it leaking.


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sjweber said:
I just want to get mine to the paint booth.

Took mine to be painted this mourning.......I feel so much better now that I don't have to worry about it. I did not wnt to spend big bucks on the paint so I did most the body work and told my buddy to just look over it and throw on some color. We will see how it turns out.
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Not yet........probably in about a week and a half. I don't know if I am going to post pics of the paint until after the Riot Ride Build Off. I may keep it as a surprise until them........if I am not happy with it I will definatly post pics :biggrin:
dude, I have quite a bit of work to do yet. I talked to my painter today and he said it would be alot easier if I take the turf off. I kind of saw that coming. Now I get to search for some turf kits. I debated on extending the rails as well. I may review you're pics and descriptions.


I hear you man, I tried to see if I could paint around the turf but it was just not happening. I am just trying to get things organized so when I get the hull back I can start assembling stuff. I am still waiting on allot of parts and amhelping Mack on his ski while mine is in paint. I have to order turf as well but am not set on what turf to get. I need to go ahead and order that along with some foam so I can wrap this thing up and ride. So much to do, so little time and money is now getting tight. I'll send you a pic when it gets back from the painter.
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