Squarenose Project Back ON!!



Big Kahuna said:
So, what was the problem with the carbs?

I have been trying to fire it up again and now it is acting like the carbs are not getting fuel? Here we go again............if you dump a little fuel in there it will fire right up but then die once that runs out. :banghead: :banghead:


unclehulka13 said:
looks nice.

I've heard a few cases of that tank losing pressure. Might wanna keep an eye on that.

Seems to be pressurizing fine. I have not heard that one but thanks for the heads up.


Started on turf today. :biggthumpup: The Flat black and the grooved white look better than I thought they would. Man that stuff is going to be a PIA to keep clean. :biggrin: I am going to redo the nose, there is to much of a gap around the nose peice.


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Grand Rapids, MI
Are those Yamaha 760 carbs? You should take them off and measure the popoff. Is the idle set too low? look inside and check for a gap around the plate (just a small one). Sometimes they won't run with the idle down to low, especially if the carbs are empty to start with. Has it been in the water yet?


Mile9c1 said:
Are those Yamaha 760 carbs? You should take them off and measure the popoff. Is the idle set too low? look inside and check for a gap around the plate (just a small one). Sometimes they won't run with the idle down to low, especially if the carbs are empty to start with. Has it been in the water yet?

No, They came off a yamaha 701 motor. The pop off on both carbs is at 24psi I beleive......or something very close to that.......I checked on Sunday and they were both good, just stuck open initally. I have to send my midshaft coupler out to be retapped, once I reinstall that I will take it on a water test and break the motor in.


Mile9c1 said:
Oh, so they're non-modified Mikuni 44's.

They only have the choke's removed and are jetted to Pauls spec for that particular set up.


freestylegeek said:
That nose looks great!

Thanks, It looks like a different boat when you modify the nose and round it all off.


Grand Rapids, MI
Freestyleriverrat said:
They only have the choke's removed and are jetted to Pauls spec for that particular set up.

Have you tried turning the low-speed screws all the way out (2+ turns)?
I had the same problem with mine, and that cured it (I guess I need bigger low speed jets, huh? LOL!)


freestylegeek said:
Have you tried turning the low-speed screws all the way out (2+ turns)?
I had the same problem with mine, and that cured it (I guess I need bigger low speed jets, huh? LOL!)

I haven't really been working on the carbs today. I'll do the tuning when I get the midshaft hooked up and I can get some water in the motor. Plus I don't like the spring that in on the throttle linkage from JSS........for lack of a better word it is crap! It does not even have enough tension to close the carbs all the way :rolleyes: So I am going to order and OEM spring or have John send me one.

I have been turfing all freaking day and still have to put turf in the tray and on the rails. I will do that anouther day. Those Waterdawg X-hold are awesome. If anyone wants to comfortably run a 25mm under pad you might want to check out these X-holds. I am running a 8mm on the top of the hold and on the bottom plus turf. Makes my foot nice and snug when I wear shoes. I also added a little "jump bump" as I like to call it. :biggrin:


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Mile9c1 said:
How'd you get 'em???

I jacked them off an X-jet :haha: :haha: Just kidding :sneaky: I called Jeff and ordered some.


unclehulka13 said:
how long did they take to get? :haha:

Like 3 weeks or so......but they were comming form OR and he had to make them. He typically does not stock stuff and it is made to order. I think Billit items he goes ahead and makes a batch but the composit things is made to order. Pretty much all new parts on my boat were one off custom stuff............my XFT pole and chin pad even has my name embedded in it as well as my order number. Now that is custom :biggrin: I also had to wait about 2.5 -3 months for the XFT parts. As with anything you get from Jeff or Sergio just be patient.............it is made when you order and sometimes they have allot of orders to fill.

When I ordered my XFT stuff Sergio even told me in advance that he was busy working on new designs and other projects and it may take a bit to get complete.......Jeff does the same thing.....if it will take a while he will tell you.

It was worth the wait though, both the pole and the X-holds got allot of looks throughout the weekend.....especially the pole........guys were loving that carbon/kevlar construction.
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More turf pics.....still not done. Sanded the foam and started laying the tray tonight. Still have some trimming to do. I did not have enough white turf to run the entire length of the tray so I had to improvise and do a small section in the rear out of the solid black. Turn out looking good.

By doing to footholds like that with the white I was able to cover the entire foothold with one piece of white and the enitre side w/ only one piece of black so it is really clean looking w/o cuts for extreme bends.


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