Squarenose Project Back ON!!



IceRocket1286 said:
hey dude, your trim system. I have the same brackets that mount to the pump mounts. You have them on the wrong side

Good eye, I'll switch it next time I have the pump off. It works smoothly right now.


I the project just keeps getting better and better. After using my friends 46? mm full spec carbs for a week I had to step it up a notch. They just hit cleaner and harder than my OEM 44's. Tricky1 hooked me up with this nice set of Riva power bomb's, similar to the full specs. I clearenced my R&D manifold to accept the new carbs and I got rid of allot of those thich casting/slag marks that were left on them. The inside of the intake was roughed up with a 80 grit sanding wheel to aid in keeping the fuel atomized. I was surprised at how much better that makes the tract feel.


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Here is a side by side shot of the 44's vs the Riva 48's. As you can see they are not only larger but have completly different venturi's and atomizers.


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sjweber said:
so how does it ride now. it was awsome before.

still waiting on my fuel pump. It will be here tomorrow :woot: I think it rode like crap the day we all went out. It started to improve as I made adjustments throughout the day but it was still not all there like it was with the full specs on it. I dialed the 44's in last week and it was hitting hard but could still be cleaned up a bit. We will see how the Riva's fair, I'll be tuning those this weekend.
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SuperJETT said:
Hrm, I have a fuel pump, hardly used too...

Cool, I just picked one up that was freshly rebuilt. $25 was not a bad deal. If the weather holds off I am going to try and hit the water late tomorrow afternoon.


Finally :woot: Got the ski running great. After different carb issues and testing a couple of different setups the motor really came alive with the dialed in Riva's.

I have to take this opprotunity to give huge props to Paul at Jr. Magoo's. His work on porting the cases and cylinders is really shining now and I am blown away with the performance of the ski. It is above and beyond what I was expecting. The motor is lovin the 48's and pulls hard through all rpms. Very nice low end and arm ripping top end as well.

I jumped you RiverRats boat last night and WOW. That boat is so strong and clean:arms: Great Job RiverRat:woot: When can you help me tune up my boat???:hail:


I am going to be down the next week or so I can do whole list of small issues......nothing major just fixing things, modifying parts, waiting on some gaskets ect.. Guess we will just have to work on your boat for the next week. :woot: I will need to get my riding fix somehow.


Had an issue the other day. I fould a plug in the front cylinder and when I was across the river and when I got back to shore the case on the front cylinder was full of gas. Tore the motor down to see if there were any issues, I thought I bent a rod but it was just rich as hell and running on one cylinder. Since I was going to be down anyway for other maintance issues and had to wait for some parts to get here, I went ahead and ordered some 28cc domes for my lamey cylinder. Luckily when I had Paul do my motor I had him do all the clearenceing work for the cylinder so it just drops right on top of the cases.

I am going to start working on the manifold and head pipe to clear the PV's. I am going to take my time with it and try and make it look as original as possible.......cross your fingers :biggrin:

I has some scuff amrks on my 701 culinder, probably from when I first had those carb issues and I kept trying to get the motor to fire. Ski ran great until I fouled that plug. The 701 cylinder ran great but I just want to see how this Lamey runs before winter. I know I would be itching all winter if I don't do test it while the weather is good.

Lamey PV Specs

Going on and set up for Standard Stroke Crank
Ported by RPM Racing for low to mid power
Current 85.5mm bore so she is pretty much maxed out
28cc domes in ADA head


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Before Pics of the pipe mods.


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Freestyleriverrat said:
Had an issue the other day. I fould a plug in the front cylinder and when I was across the river and when I got back to shore the case on the front cylinder was full of gas. Tore the motor down to see if there were any issues, I thought I bent a rod but it was just rich as hell and running on one cylinder.

Found the culpret...........the top of the flame arrestor came off and dropped down, completly choking the carb and corrosponding front cylinder. :banghead: Did not see that b/c the prefilters.


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It's the Riva's.......the hit so hard they just sucked it right down :haha:


Exhaust Manifold Notes

Here are some shots of the exhaust manifold mods to clear the PV's. A couple of things I would like to point out while doing this modification:

1) Take your time to fit them carefully, you can always take more material off, not so easy to put it back on.
2) Take into account the thickness of the gasket you are using, if you go by just how it sits flish against the cylinder you may be taking off more material than you need too.
3) Check to make sure the ports on the cylinder and manifold are matched. I had to take a little off the top and 2 corners of my manifold to match the size of te exhaust port on the Lamey.
4) Note that there is more material on the flange are of the manifold where the head pipe bolts to. Below the flang that material is not solid but is thin. Mainly concentrate on the thick flange and then go from there. I used a 5in grinding wheel at a 90 degree angle to get the general shap of the notches. Then I went through with a 60 grit sanding bit, followed by a 120 grit sanding wheel.
5) Try and maintain as much gasket surface area as possible on the flange to ensure proper sealing of the head pipe and manifold.


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I did not want to do this but in order to make it right I have to bust apart the cases and match the cylinder to the cases. Those transfer ports are larger than meets the eye when compared to the 701 cylinder. Below are some pics after I used to old gasket as a template to get an idea of how much work needed to be done. If I just threw the cylinder on the cases the motor would be significanly choked at the transfer ports.

*Pics: Matched gasket to lamey shown on cases, matched gasket shown on 701 cylinder, gasket shown on Lamey


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Grand Rapids, MI
Freestyleriverrat said:
I did not want to do this but in order to make it right I have to bust apart the cases and match the cylinder to the cases. ...

If you haven't split the cases yet, you don't have to do it.
Paul has DYNO'd this mod, and has seen no significant HP increase.
Mine are not matched, and niether are Parrdaddy's, smitty's, steve802cc, etc...

Something to think about. :frown:


Really?? That is definatly something to think about :bigeyes: So yours pretty much look like mine? I have not split the cases yet......if I don't have to it just saves me time and work.
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