State of the industry - 2021

I'd say the only thing that's really going to affect pricing is a significant economic downturn. The majority of people buying are older now too I think, so they have more disposable income. Not many real young people in the sport.
Worst part is if the guys with the disposable income don't use it wisely and protest prices back down to reality, they're going to keep this sport so far out of reach for the new guys young and older without such disposable income from ever wanting to get into it. These clowns pricing skis out of the reality market and equally bad are the ones paying it, are going to kill the used market for future potential riders. Nobody will take interest if nobody can afford to. In the beginning of this year I saw a 2020 round nose listed for 20k! with the description of "last 2-stroke SuperJet" ...a month later he dropped the price to 15k. Last one or not, if the deal is scalper level gouging or put a new SJ4 or order for 14k...guess what I'll be doing and waiting until next year for lol... don't be desperate to buy a ski or whatever toy you're looking for, it will only make you pay far too much for what you get and possibly be buying a real money pit to follow.


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
Everything RRP seems to be gone. Still cant get infusion resin, other composite supplies are lagging too. And factory pipe is still telling me call back in 3-4 weeks, beyond aggrivating.
West MI
Molds are pricey, yes. But I’m old… waiting a year has caused me to take some drastic actions. I’m eager to hear when something is available, but i’ll be honest in saying my eagerness wanes. No fault of yours.
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