Custom/Hybrid stunt hull build up! short ski love <3

Got the foam trimmed down and some glass put in. two layers of 17oz biax cloth. managed to prick my fingers multiple times on all the little fingers of glass in there, as you can tell by the blood in the second pic ^_^ pretty much just need to finish body work on the top deck now and im ready for paint!300107_485055601543368_1127241745_n.jpg392676_485055618210033_1174727265_n.jpg24449_485055568210038_163660713_n.jpg535828_485055551543373_1025244803_n.jpg526897_485055591543369_508166404_n.jpg
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Got the foam trimmed down and some glass put in. two layers of 17oz biax cloth. managed to prick my fingers multiple times on all the little fingers of glass in there, as you can tell by the blood in the second pic ^_^ pretty much just need to finish body work on the top deck now and im ready for paint!24449_485055568210038_163660713_n.jpg300107_485055601543368_1127241745_n.jpg392676_485055618210033_1174727265_n.jpg526897_485055591543369_508166404_n.jpg535828_485055551543373_1025244803_n.jpg


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Nice work, I know you just painted the bottom but in the future if you want the stunt to turn a little better remove the bulges on the sides of the nose. So basically what you are doing is making it a rail again and taking away the side bulge. We did it to my buddy's stunt and I think it helped. I believe it added 9 or 10" to the rail.
FINALLY got it primed after countless hours of body work! had to fill in parts of the gelcoat that caved in with resin, since their was air voids underneath the gelcoat. also the hood was rough so tons of filling and sanding. primed it and wetsanded. having a local shop spray it for 100 bucks. i bought bright orange metallic paint from summit, its a single stage urethane. gonna look sick! also got my xmetal steering in :)532942_488531437862451_1540920224_n.jpg555543_488531451195783_737286284_n.jpg556027_488531481195780_202578081_n.jpg
Take this with a grain of salt , but the best mod on this hull is smoothing out the bottom transition . These hulls have a tendency to plow. Waternut did this and I thought it made a huge difference in the ride. Fun little hull good luck with the build ..... don't skimp do the mods.
Vshockey this is my only ski, hoping to be done in a few weeks. And I thought about smoothing out the bottom, but I'm gonna see how it rides and then go from their. Only spray painted the bottom so will be easy to reprint if I do end up doing it.
Paints done! Had a guy spray it for 100 bucks. It's summit single stage urethane. Bright orange metallic. Also had the blowsion bracket and wamiltons pole powdercoated for 40 bucks! Xmetal steering is on, gonna make an adapter to run mountain bike bars! Need to finish up turf as well. Gettin there
What shop did the powdercoat? I am in your area and my ac pole could use a fresh powdercoat job. Also how does the paint look? I am thinking about using the same paint on my sc.
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Finished fiberglassing the firewall, motor mounts in, and midshaft in.pump bolted up! Getting there, might be selling pole and bracket. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366323226.650159.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1366323242.959906.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1366323257.912261.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1366323282.349084.jpg
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