Custom/Hybrid stunt hull build up! short ski love <3


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Looks real good. You'll have fun flicking this ski around. Waternuts hull will launch out of the water pretty easy. He's back flipped it plenty but his forte is getting tons of air. I would have like a front foot hold to help keep the nose down but some way waternut figured out how to get the perfect balance without one. He can get this thing going wide open across the water. It's just time in the saddle I'm sure.
this thing looks way better than my stunt!! wish i could see it in the dells but i cant make it that weekend.. id like to see what other people do with their stunts
this thing looks way better than my stunt!! wish i could see it in the dells but i cant make it that weekend.. id like to see what other people do with their stunts
were close neough thayt im sure we could meet up and ride sometime. milwaukees about 45min from me up the highway, and thanks!


see ya out there
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St Charles IL
yea evan goes to the dells ride...

he purchased a round nose there last year...

your dad coming back up Evan? ill probably have my boat with as well..
Nah don't think my dads goin, might ride up with the guys from freestylefactory, hopefully it works out! Here's latest pics, got scuppers in, just finishing up turf and small stuff. Gotta figure out the exhaust situation too. Also got a blows ion stubby pump coneImageUploadedByTapatalk1367446103.921145.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367446118.422594.jpg
Tonight's progress. Scuppers done, exhaust hole cut and waterbox mounts made and mounted, used a fishing rod holder for the outlet ;) motors in, not fun to align but I got it.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721770.072755.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721780.257069.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721801.052424.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721822.473489.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721837.190717.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367721857.239827.jpg


NE Tenn
Lovin the dog in your pics! ls that "a half a tic past his right ear" for correct alignment!

l will say that being able to correctly align an engine in a Stunt is major accomplishment! Be glad you were able.l worked for a couple weeks trying to get mine correct.
l like your idea with the rod holder exhaust just hope it doesn't bounce the sound up in your face.


I pretty much love beer
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Nice work so far. Getting real close. What's the bolts int he front of the tray for? Do they hold the midshaft mounting thing
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