Custom/Hybrid stunt hull build up! short ski love <3

Over the hump! Exhaust all hooked up and pipe in, gonna need to grind. Some if the lip away on the ski, the headpipe rubs it. Had to customize ebox mounts a rad to clear the pipe, also gonna need some new flam arrestors, stock doesn't fit with hood onImageUploadedByTapatalk1367812238.530262.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367812248.850561.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367812262.983518.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367812273.278023.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1367812288.300268.jpg
Got ebox mounted, bpipe totally in, battery in, steering cable installed, and tank in. Tank is just a 2 gallon gas can with 550 pickups. Also putting a new pole and footholds in my brothers sn!
The way mines set up a 550 tank didn't even come close to fitting, battery was in the way as well as waterbox and pipe, guess I'm gonna have tone stick with a 2 gallon :/
Gettin there! Ride tomorrow! Just need to mod hood so it fits with stock intake, and bolt in the hood straps. Some pics if the AAA pole we put on my bros sn as well as footholds
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