Stunt Junkies



What, I can't think that it was lame, Sorry for pissing of the boards. Just because it was on T.V. does not make it the coolest thing. I don't even know how that made it to T.V. all it was, was a back flip.
Ross even said that guy's can do one flip on flat water, well that's all he did with surf.
Sorry, but it was lame!!
I'm not saying I could do it, I couldn't but come on You guy's really think that was some big stunt, for a PRO
Mac's was way better, for T.V.


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
You guy's really think that was some big stunt, for a PRO

Hey, f-uck wit.....did you watch the show? I don't recall Mac trying to jump over a set of house boats using a wave. The surf just flat out did not cooperate....that's what happens when you rely on mother nature and have such a short window of time.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Hey, f-uck wit.....did you watch the show? I don't recall Mac trying to jump over a set of house boats using a wave. The surf just flat out did not cooperate....that's what happens when you rely on mother nature and have such a short window of time.

whoa...there is the jetskier i know and enjoy...simma down, simma down...

justride, you have to understand that alot of ross' friends are on this site...and its hard to not get upset when you voice opinions in what appears to be a condescending, sarcastic manner...belittling ross' effort.

you like mac's episode better? no problem, i don't think anyone can deny you your opinion...but lets please keep this positive and not make light of ross' accomplishments either.

the fact of the matter is that yes, any jet ski coverage right now is huge for the sport and the industry. its a huge world and there are a ton of people out there that have no clue as to what we are doing, riding, into with jet skis, hence the "they still make those" jokes when you go out to ride.

like jetskier said, ross went for the double in less than stellar conditions...and he gave it his all. luck was not with him this time however, and he did not pull it...oh well. if you were given the opportunity that ross was, would you not do everything in your power to make sure skis ran, everything was how it should be? don't you think that ross did everything humanely possible to also accomplish this?

i have personally seen ross absolutly wreck himself trying to get stuff on tape for me and others, and when he does not pull a trick there is no one who can beat on him any worse than he does himself, so as far as any questions on his performance lets leave that to is not our place to critique him.

if we can't get along within our own hobby/sport/profession/industry/insert your own metaphor here, then how can we hope to interest others in what we are doing...getting more people out on the water?
Anyone who doesn't understand how big that show was for standup ski's has no brain!
The general public has no idea flips and rolls are even being done these days. They were enlightened to todays riding, not their vision of families sharing a couch.
That was far from just a backflip! It was the best thing to happen for ski's in years! Until you can throw "just a backflip" shut your pie hole! The riders who can do these big air tricks know how big it was, and know what kind of ballz it takes to huck it like Ross did.


I wish I thought of that
Ruston, LA
i def. thought it was mega sweet to see our sport on national television like that. it doesnt get much cooler than watchin dudes BF-ing in the ocean


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
Anyone who doesn't understand how big that show was for standup ski's has no brain!
The general public has no idea flips and rolls are even being done these days. They were enlightened to todays riding, not their vision of families sharing a couch.
That was far from just a backflip! It was the best thing to happen for ski's in years! Until you can throw "just a backflip" shut your pie hole! The riders who can do these big air tricks know how big it was, and know what kind of ballz it takes to huck it like Ross did.

This is what its all about! I 100% agree. The general public has no idea people even ride these still! The only thing it could have been better if it was on a major network :biggthumpup:


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
I'm very pleased that they were careful to trademark the JetSki name yet there were no JetSkis present. :arms:


I'm not saying Ross sux or anything like that, but for T.V. it needed to be better for our sport. Like better wave's so he had a chance of more then one flip. I don't know but if the condition's were not right then maybe the show should have waited.Maybe a differant place NORTH SHORE.
I just think that it could have been planed out better.
I have a friend that know's I ski, he seen the show, and ask me if this dude, was just try to get on T.V. Now how's that for some feed back from some one that does not Jet ski.
He was not impressed with the show. This is way it should have been better, So, when people outside of this little sport see it on T.V. they say HOLLY SIHT did you see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just about everybody know that everything can be back fliped


So long and thanks for all the fish
You obviously haven't read the thread then. It was done middle of the week, in 2-3 days, on very short notice. You either do it on their schedule, or you don't, so they did it, and conditions and ski issues just didn't provide perfectly, so you get what you get.

It's about 10000% better than no show at all, and considering it's the second jetski show they've done, that means something.

I'm not saying Ross sux or anything like that, but for T.V. it needed to be better for our sport. Like better wave's so he had a chance of more then one flip. I don't know but if the condition's were not right then maybe the show should have waited.Maybe a differant place NORTH SHORE.
I just think that it could have been planed out better.
I have a friend that know's I ski, he seen the show, and ask me if this dude, was just try to get on T.V. Now how's that for some feed back from some one that does not Jet ski.
He was not impressed with the show. This is way it should have been better, So, when people outside of this little sport see it on T.V. they say HOLLY SIHT did you see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just about everybody know that everything can be back fliped


ISJWTA Member #007
What fun is a show where when you start watching you KNOW the stunt will be completed?? Even though he didn't make it, he set the bar height for the next guy, or himself to come on again later and do it (or maybe not, again). I thought it was great.
Anyone who doesn't understand how big that show was for standup ski's has no brain!
The general public has no idea flips and rolls are even being done these days. They were enlightened to todays riding, not their vision of families sharing a couch.
That was far from just a backflip! It was the best thing to happen for ski's in years! Until you can throw "just a backflip" shut your pie hole! The riders who can do these big air tricks know how big it was, and know what kind of ballz it takes to huck it like Ross did.

exactly! how many times at a freeride do you see people watching in absolute AMAZEMENT at the easiest of tricks

Ross is the man, too bad you had florida surf that day...


South Jersey
You obviously haven't read the thread then. It was done middle of the week, in 2-3 days, on very short notice. You either do it on their schedule, or you don't, so they did it, and conditions and ski issues just didn't provide perfectly, so you get what you get.

It's about 10000% better than no show at all, and considering it's the second jetski show they've done, that means something.




Creative RE Purchasing
So finally watched the episode on wen night.

Question for you Mike or Ross, was it me you came and picked that pump for Ross's personal boat?

Couldn't throw my name out there? :bs2: :bs2: J/K :biggrin: :biggrin:


I reckon I can break it!
Melbourne Aus
Ross has some massive steel ones to even think hey I'm Going to give it a crack. I'm aware of all the things that can be done on a ski, butI was still impressed by the attempts, not to mention the amount of thought that was actually put into how to pull it off. By the way thanks to those who posted the episode so the Aussie guys could get a look at it. Does anyone know if Ross is still trying to pull it off, because it's going to be nuts no matter who films it. Top effort Ross.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
Anyone who doesn't understand how big that show was for standup ski's has no brain!
The general public has no idea flips and rolls are even being done these days. They were enlightened to todays riding, not their vision of families sharing a couch.
That was far from just a backflip! It was the best thing to happen for ski's in years! Until you can throw "just a backflip" shut your pie hole! The riders who can do these big air tricks know how big it was, and know what kind of ballz it takes to huck it like Ross did.

Agreed, I like the way they portrayed the sport. In the beginning they said "stand up skis are where its at". That is an awsome thing to hear. lots of posetive things said. It wasn't just about the trick.


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
it was no where close to a double but thats not his fault. It was still awesome that we got that much exposure.

I didn't like how the labeled it old school. 550s are old school. superjets are not. I guess they made up for it with the its where its at comment though.

I want to hear more about the hole in the pump.
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