okay. :wavey:
both of you need one:
Pete, don't bail because of one person. You have to expect a little jealousy to come out when something like this happens. You have status and can actually pull something like this. If I asked for donations so I could go to an event, I'd get laughed off the board.
You are having a baby, I'm unemployed. We both have pretty good excuses not to go, but some how, some way, we are going to make it happen. The difference is people actually want to see you there, nobody gives a $hit if I make it or not (and the fact that you can fall off better than I can ride).
Yes, there are places you could trim your budget: (playing devil's advocate here, don't take this as criticism)
*For one, yes the wife could stay home. In this situation, I'd look at the wife as a "luxury" item. Yes, it would be nice if you can somehow swing it to bring her, but come down to brass tax, not critical in this endeavor. Has your wife been on a plane since she's been prego? Some women have issues with the pressure difference.
*Lodging is available cheaper if you are willing to share a place. I offered a room with queen bed in a large house I'm renting for $135 for Fri and Sat night (that's $67.50/night).
*Truck rental. You could always ask for a favor from someone that has a truck or trailer to pick it up and deliver it to Pac City for you. Enough people are heading that way. I'm sure your ski can catch a ride, then you can rent an economy car for $35/day.
Like I said, don't take any of this the wrong way. These are just some options that I'd be looking at to trim the budget if I were in your shoes. The reason I rented the large house was so I could divide the total rent/cleaning cost by as many parties as possible.
Hope to see you there,
ALL ASIDE, i have been selling, pulling my hair out... why over a comp that im gunna spend 2400 to get to and compete.
ok i cut corners and "mooch" off everyone. still 2k min..
all of this bullis not worth it.. over the past 4 years alls i get is broke..
Honostly, im sick of damned if you do, damned if you dont..
I dont think its right to go play and leave wife home.. that is not enjoying life and things eachother do together.. that is letting skiing get inbetween us.
Im sick of this sport... from every aspect.....
Im broke because of it.. im done...
its not just the SFL's, its the money and getting no where.
wa wa wa wa.. im done. My wife and I could be about 50k better off with what i have spent over the last couple years...
Its a joke, and going no where.