Other Sunk Ski in Lake Erie...how do we find it...


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
A ski without foam is an invitation for misfortune; they should be required to carry a waterproof emergency strobe beacon or a long floating tow rope so they can be quickly retrieved.


No need for a license in that deep of water. If you can't find someone to do it for free, I say just grab a setup off craigslist for a few hundred and do it yourself.
Tried that there doesn't seem to many for sale

We used a high quality sonar fish finder to find Luke's, it had GPS and he could map an follow a search grid, this way u aren't just randomly driving around, it didn't move an inch from where it went down after several months underwater
That's reassuring. thanks

If it is a stunt hull just leave it , no big loss really.
:squint: you sir haven't seen what I could do on this under appreciated hull
If its in that shallow of water, couldnt you get a bunch of peeps to "walk" a line out there? Even bobbing up and down if need be? If the waves were that big, might sand gather up and cover it? Sucks about the ski.. But what about homeowners insurance? I mean hell, if some woman could sue me for $200k, after HER walking into my back tire of my bike, and they covered it.. Why not a lost ski? I'd say it's worth a shot for sure... After all, the ski did "disappear"... No?
Good luck on the hunt!


Basically covered what we could already wading in the water, its the deeper portion that's the thorn in our feet.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Water is 8 to 16 feet where it went down...look at map. I would guess only about 100-150 yds from shore. So, no you can't wade out...We tried dragging a cable with two couches, but I'm guessing we missed 'stripes' where the cable came up to the skis...even though we hit each row twice...could've missed it.

I like (in order):

1. the Fishfinder/Sonar idea from a boat. (need a flat day)
2. the diver with a stake and radius idea. (need a flat day)
3. the helicopter idea (need a flat sunny day)

Monday seems to be the next flat day...SW winds.

Once found, any of us could dive down and tie a rope to it....then it will be easy to drag to shore with a couch or boat.
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Seriously Put up a $500 finders fee on Clevelands craigslist somewhere in the fishing boat section or any section for that matter , I m sure some perch/walleye fisherman will spend 30 minutes searching with sonar before their way out to their favorite fishing spot to possibly make $500 when they spend thousands just to float on the water and POSSIBLY catch enough to eat for a meal! Look for the guy with very few teeth he will search longer !! .Then next time it would be a wonderful idea to carry your own tow strap and spend $5 on a couple of swim noodles for flotation , they do work ! ! :) The fact is a ski with no foam and a rider with no tow rope is only a liability in big water when :):):):) hits the fan , Im really glad you did not sink in front of the concrete BREAKWATER rip-rap and put the other riders NEEDLESSLY in harms way trying to salvage a ski with no flotation . . BTW search west IMO because thats where my ski always floated with the STRONG current when I lost it many times in the big waves, it NEVER went east .Good luck in your search Zach ! If I was closer I would help ....


Well got a hookup & turns out a helicopter ride is 275 for an hour but then again need some really flat days in a row to settle it down.

Frank - I did & always have a rope, seemed to fumble with it too long (got tangled/knotted up) & I got left in the water to get another one...
Well got a hookup & turns out a helicopter ride is 275 for an hour but then again need some really flat days in a row to settle it down.

Frank - I did & always have a rope, seemed to fumble with it too long (got tangled/knotted up) & I got left in the water to get another one...
Ahh That makes me feel better .............I should of said'' functional tow rope '' at least you were 1/2 ready . :) good luck I really hope ya find it

Fro Diesel

creative control
If the surf is anything like lake Michigan I think the ski is left of your red zone. Waves push to shore on top and suck out on the bottom.

Good luck guys keep us posted.

sent from Fro Diesel using tapatalk2
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I forgot!
I agree that the ski could move. But I have not lost and recovered a ski. I just look at how bad lake Erie can kick up, and how our beach looks different after a storm. Where is your ride zone? Here is mine. I wonder how across from you, we are. I have my tow rope attached to the nose of my ski at all times and stuff it under the nose piece and keep it there with a easily breakable elastic band. I also tested the time it takes my ski to feel waterlogged while dead in the water. I have over five minutes to hook onto someone. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1348409010.055295.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1348409082.859458.jpg
You can see Lake Erie, and our high banks. My truck would be soaked on a 7' wave day. You can also see my tow rope on my ski.
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Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Zach had a tow rope, but it was rolled up and held with zip ties...they must've tightened over time, because the rope wouldn't separate...by the time I got back with another, it was gone. Sucks...if I knew it was foamless, I would've stayed and continued to work on that rope.....

I am still COMPLETELY confident that this ski will be back.
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