Surf Boat Basics 101

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Newb’s (First time surf riders who are uneasy, Your friends call you a girl, etc.)

You should be fine on a Stock ski

Intermediate riders ( First time surf riders who charge, competent lake or wave carvers, Jumpers and aerialists, Chicks who ride better than you, etc, etc.)

I'm the best surf ridin' chick I know and I don't consider myself anything other than "intermediate" on my best day. What's that make me? Do I automatically get boosted to a new level just because of a lack of sac? Hmmmmmmm. That's gotta be the first time it was ever an actual advantage in a man's sport that I didn't have a twig and berries!


Odd Duck

Jet Vet
And my most of my hints have already been posted, but I didn't see this yet for this thread - put tow loops on front and back! If you don't have a tow loop, don't be surprised if peeps are slow to help. It is very difficult, and flat out dangerous in larger surf, to stop and get a rope tied onto the front of your ski if you don't have a tow loop.

Your tow rope should be short! Mine wraps around my waist/hips twice and hooks to itself w/oversized caribiners that will hook into the tow loops in no time flat. I push the caribiners to the back while I ride so I don't whack the chinpad into my belly with those hard caribiners between me and the pole (started that after my surgery). If you're super skinny, you might want to wrap it 3 times, but no more. Short is better so you don't have one ski on one wave and the other ski on another wave.

If I'm preparing to tow someone, particularly in "bigger" surf, I stop a good ways from the ski to be towed - parallel from them in relation to the beach. Do NOT be farther out than them as the next wave could smash you into them. I hook the rope to my rear tow loop. I hold the free end of the rope over my left arm, ride toward them slowly, hanging the rope for them to grab. They should be at the front of their ski, ready to grab and hook straight to their front tow loop. Your slow ride will turn their ski into alignment with you and they need to be able to grab onto the back of their ski and hang on strong enough to let you just keep on moving. Once both riders are firmly attached to their ski, turn toward the beach and ride in, preferably with enough speed to keep from getting smashed by the next wave.


If you are a rad dude and you want to now if it's "on" you gotta check the surf report because they are serious and to the point.
Transworld SURF Forecast Update 08.17.10

By Transworld Surf - Published on 18th August 2010 | Viewed 176 times.
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Transworld SURF Forecast Update – 08.03.10

By Adam Wright –

There is good news and bad news…the bad news is that the high-pressure in the North Pacific is getting bigger, it has grown a Mohawk, and it will probably gets its nipples pierced at some point. He is also being a bit of a pain in the ass that is shutting down the majority of the storm track, effectively cutting off any new storms from this region…and it has enough size that it has a lovely shearline pushing through the tropics that are shutting down most of the tropical storm activity…thanks a lot North Pacific…get a job or something.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
......What's that make me? Do I automatically get boosted to a new level just because of a lack of sac? Hmmmmmmm. That's gotta be the first time it was ever an actual advantage in a man's sport that I didn't have a twig and berries!

Thats a sick shot in your Avatar OD! Of course you get your own class, Your in the "chicks that rip" class, and as you already know there's no need for a "Twig and berries", the Chicks in that class get as many "Twigs and Berries" as they want! Ha Ha!
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Damn Nick !
So you are saying using modded super light weight skis in the surf is like using one of these

Where I could have gotten away with using the "mark one- mod zero"
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Oh - and back on topic

Tow rope around waist - ALWAYS
When dead in a big break zone always try to have your ski pointed shoreward with you trailing it, at least if a whomper sneaks up behind you and things go right you are only in for a small sled ride hanging off the back.
Never have been a fan of trying to recover facing seaward - nothing like a vertical wave wall taking the nose of the ski over and or around you and eventually broaching into the big universal undersea washing machine.

Landing re-entries a little too far ahead of the wave and being balled up I try hard as hell to stay latched to the bars and blip the throttle even underwater and upside down, you would be surprised what you may be able to ride out of if you keep the motor running.
I've come up coughing foam, my arms just about pulled out their sockets and motor blubbering away and then there are times well..... it's ugly


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Surf Riding Tip- So your out riding with your friends (Not a good idea to ride surf alone) and one of your buds gets separated from his ski, here’s what to do. Unless your bud is visibly in trouble or floating face down unconscious in the water, DON”T go after HIM, instead FIRST go after his ski. Make sure his ski is floating up right and not taking on any water. As long as your buds OK he can take a few breakers while he waits for assistance, but the time is ticking to prevent an overturned ski from getting water ingestion in the motor and sinking. Chances are another one of your friends can tow your downed friend back to his ski while you stay with it to make sure the next set doesn’t sink it. If only you and your friend are riding then AFTER you have made sure his ski is floating upright, then WAIT for a lull in the sets to leave his ski before you go and drag him back to his ski.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
Surf Riding Tip- So your out riding with your friends (Not a good idea to ride surf alone) and one of your buds gets separated from his ski, here’s what to do. Unless your bud is visibly in trouble or floating face down unconscious in the water, DON”T go after HIM, instead FIRST go after his ski. Make sure his ski is floating up right and not taking on any water. As long as your buds OK he can take a few breakers while he waits for assistance, but the time is ticking to prevent an overturned ski from getting water ingestion in the motor and sinking. Chances are another one of your friends can tow your downed friend back to his ski while you stay with it to make sure the next set doesn’t sink it. If only you and your friend are riding then AFTER you have made sure his ski is floating upright, then WAIT for a lull in the sets to leave his ski before you go and drag him back to his ski.

Man I wish we had waves good enough to heed this rule so far this year.

Last year was great for waves.

This year we have been riding Lake Atlantic.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
on a side note though. it has taught me how to do barrel rolls off boat waves and bronco 180's off a set up wake. Gotta do something when the ocean is flat.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Thats a sick shot in your Avatar OD! Of course you get your own class, Your in the "chicks that rip" class, and as you already know there's no need for a "Twig and berries", the Chicks in that class get as many "Twigs and Berries" as they want! Ha Ha!

Thanks! I only need one guy's "twig and berries" and he happens to be the best mechanic I know, so it works out really well!
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