Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build


Arlington TX
Pics or ban!


Bam! Just for you.

Speaking of Dragginblazer, he was nice enough to sponsor a fuel tank for my ski. I'm waiting on a sponsorship logo. :notworthy:
Picked it up last night. I was worried that the SJ tank wouldn't work with the FX1 chamber.
Thank you baby Jesus it fits!

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I'll need to make a few adjustments, but it shouldn't be a big deal.

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Yes, I have sparkly metal flake on my chamber. Its flip flop paint. I'm not gay. Stop judging me.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
^^^ no, there's a 'paint chip' under the cold fusion sticker. And by paint chip I mean it is similar in size to a bovine birth canal.

So I heard back from Mr. Brah. He said he'd take care of the extra charge and he hopes the build goes better. In all honesty, besides a few things like the steering cable and a few other things, I think Mr. Brah was just another person In a long line of vaugely negligent owners. No offense.
I have no ill will towards him. I get to pick on him here and it's all good fun. Like I said, it makes a good story.

Ordered a RN cable from JetManiac today. $101.... Maybe I should ask Mr. Brah if he'll split it with me. :rolleyes:

See, you should have bought that hull from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Might have had to duck tape it back together after cutting it in half to fit in the Greyhound Bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Arlington TX
LOL, i've seen a couple hulls that I wish I had purchased, for the hood alone. Oh well live and learn.

So I got this afternoon off, so I've been cranking on the ski.... so to speak. Cleaned up the gas tank, swapped all my ghetto internal fill stuff from my FX1 tank over, wire tired all my fuel lines etc....

Dumped a little fuel down the carb.... wham bam thank you Justin Timberlake!!!! This mofo starts and runs!


Pics later....
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Arlington TX
I'm not sure why ^^^ that seemed appropiate, but whatever.

So updates... pictureless updates...

Thrashed until 3am on Sat night on my wifes SN and the "Really" hull.
Unfortuantely I was saying "Really????" to myself. I was headed in for the night (morning) and realized I hadn't installed the intake grate or ride plate. :doh: Outta sight, outta mind I guess.
Then it was 10 min trying to find ride plate bolts just to find out the RN inserts are larger. All good I had some in my stash. Used a Protec extended ride plate off a SN. I wanted to chop it back but didn't have it in me.

Got it in the water, rode off and on for about 4 hours Sunday, had the usual hicups, throttle cable came off the carb bracket (twice), and my steering aparatus came apart. Need to revise that, it was a PITA to work on at the lake... But I expected little S like that to happen. Nothing broke, ski ran good. Can't complain. Yes it rode heavy as F, but I knew it would. But all in all... very happy. I like the hand holds in the hood, never knew what I was missing. Who needs 8?

I never got around to registering it, so I wrote the TX numbers from my FX1 on the hood with a sharpie. Still didn't have the state sticker, but at least if I got stopped (which I didn't) I would have TX numbers that trace back to my name. I'm a rebel.

Had to use my limiting rope/ tow rope a record 4 times in one day. LOL new ski ftw.

Got home, water was dripping out of my bilge plug hoopties... I was so convinced of their effectiveness. They failed me. Anyhow, pulled both, lotsa water dripping out of the exhaust side. FML.... I'm gonna hate this ski every time I ride it until I refoam it.

Oh yeah, the GD foot holds suck. They're too big, and placement sucks. I kept wacking my ankle on it, and the foot strap was too far back so I was standing ON it more than in it. I can probably fix some of that without digging into the tray.

Can't think of anything else right now.

Heavy ass ski. :rant:
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Do Good Crew!!!!!!
So why did you have a rigged up steering setup? Cable too short? Not sure why you mounted the pivot point at the nozzle on the bottom side. Glad you got it on the water tho sir.


Arlington TX
So why did you have a rigged up steering setup? Cable too short? Not sure why you mounted the pivot point at the nozzle on the bottom side. Glad you got it on the water tho sir.

The nozzle setup gets more throw. I had the mounting plate in front of the 'arm' on the nozzle but it bottomed out the cable too soon. Its a quick steer mod thats evolving.
As far as my 'rigged up' plate, I have a 08 pole with a 97 steering setup. 08 steering cable has one inch less throw. Maybe you should get one for your SN/RN pole conversion, cause lord knows if anyone could use an extra inch it's you. :shhh:

I'd punch 'everyone' in the face.
Best advice on all of the X... Especially with ^^^ these clowns.

Honestly my FX1 had beaten me into submission. I wasn't having any fun. Maybe some day i'll do another one.
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Arlington TX
So after my first ride, the following day the area above my right ankle was bruised from banging on the foot holds. They were sooooouper loose. I decided that if wanted to increase my level of enjoyment, I needed to tighten them up. I go to investigate, and it turns out all thats covering the holds is a layer of turf..... "Thats weird" I say out loud. I continue to scrape, peel etc. Then I found it....

"REALLLLY?!?!?!?!?, You're just gonna turf over that S?!?!?"

I'm becoming quite suspect of Mr. Brah and his benevolence concerning how delapidated this hull is. Saturday night, I wanted to kick Mr. Brah square in his junk.

FWIW, it appears that the hold itself cracked, not the junction between it and the hull. The aformentioned "BLOWsion" indentification helps quantify my theroy. The rest of the evening I was writing a customer service letter in my head
"Dear Mr. Blowsion, I understand that your VERY BUSY (yes i use effing itallics in my head. I'm sarcastic, they're always on) sipping Mojitos in the Maldives on the private island that you purchased with the money made off marking up your shipping, but if you don't mind.... maybe... I dunno, throw an extra layer of glass or two on your GD footholds.

Sincerely... Mr. Effing Swapmeet

P.S. dick "

This hull is just begging me to tear into it, and I won't succumb to its siren call. I had two choices at that point gents. Follow that crack to god knows where, and hope like hell it doesn't get worse and then fix it and start my padding and turfing.
I did not choose this route. I know my tendencies, i'd be up until 3 am, the tray would be on the ground and i'd be pisssssssed......

I'm sure this will evoque some varied responses, but I choose to just turf over it and ride. I'll handle that issue when I handle everything else. Call me lazy (i'm not). Call me impatient (Very much so.)

This is my first go padding a foot hold and all I had was 9mil black pad, which i'm a fan of. I quickly realized I didn't know what I was doing but I think I did alright for my first try.
I ride surf stance, so I didn't tackle the left hold. God knows what lurks below the turf on that side.

I removed the foot strap. It was installed with one screw on each side, which caused it to flop the way it is in previous pics. I was honestly suprised to find a threaded inserts in the tray. I figured it would be a drywall screw and elephant semen holding it in. I filled the holes with some clear silicone. Once again, i'll deal with it later.

Little down low tray shot. Shows the difference between the two sides. I'm pretty happy with my splice job. Had to make a seam on the turf. Impatience... it happens.

I flush cut and D-cut my protec plate. No after photos, but some in process ones. I'm like a mad fabricator!!!

On the lighter side of things (which is where I try to stay)... a member of the local peanut gallery (and heckler) Mr. KotaJoe burnt through engine number 3 or 4 for the season recently and is throwing a 61X in his SJ (poor engine, it doesn't have a chance). He needed to borrow a 140 Main jet from my expansive Jet inventory, which I was happy to loan him. I was going to be out with the family so I agreed to tape it to my garage door so he could pick it up at his lesiure.

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