Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build


Arlington TX

Well... not a gif, but.... LOL....
Last night, out in the yard with the kiddos... I get on a tear pulling weeds.

I grab the only trowel we own... the one my boston terriers have chewed the end of the handle on... yeah, that one.
So I go to town... like it was a timed event... digging up weeds like a hog digging up truffles. Time comes to head in and I realize....


my hand hurts...

I look down...



little blister...



Arlington TX
Well.... my goal is shot. Not gonna make LSFR.....


But, I did work on my ski Friday! Bum hand and all...

Busted out the antiseize and installed motor mounts and midshaft.


I finished padding but this pic doesn't show the finished work. I made a concerted effort to pad the edges left on the back of the gunwales. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


I tapered the 9mm pad so it would blend into the ski. (sucky pic)


I started turfing a little bit....... In case anyone was wondering, flat (uncut) turf is a MF'r to get to stretch and mold. I'm actually going to have to re-design how the turf goes in because I can't get it to stretch into the foothold wells. Anyhow, thats how far i've gotten. It's like i'm so close... but so far...

I'd love to post stories but i'm busier than a one eyed cat watching two mouse holes.

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hey I am DEFINATLY NOT a good turf installer but isnt it best to just use pad on the bottom pad ? and no where on the ski where you where you are going to bend and glue over ? every ski i had always has turf ripping off at the end when the previous turf job is glues over padding on the edges ..


Arlington TX
I'm not sure my Canadian brother... perhaps the turf you've experienced didn't have enough glue? Sometimes corners need some touch up, but I can see what you mean.

But I know that my wife doesn't want to bust a kidney on the gunwales of the ole' "really hull"
Given the option, i'd rather have too much pad than too little. My old lady bruises easily.

I think the cut, or molded turf forms better because its essentially thinner over all than the thick pad.


Arlington TX
Yeah its huge help on cut turf lol.... I heated it up with my heat gun to the point that it was burning my fingers through Nitrite gloves. It helped some but it just wont stretch down into that foot cavity.
Phew...finally read through the whole thread. Very entertaining man. I like your style! Get that ski done so you and your wife can rip! I'm right there with ya trying to get my boat ready by May!
Ya i'm just to the point of getting my padding down too. Didnt pad as much as yours tho, also i used the gray pad. Hopefully it doesn't wear thin real fast, heard that plush padding is better for that. I know my cut diamond def got real maleable to flex into my curves, must suck w/ that smooth stuff b/c mine was a PITA as is.


Arlington TX
Just found my thread hanging out on page 4...

Well I did some work this weekend finally.

I'd like to start out by saying that flat/ smooth turf is a giant PITA to work with. It's not squishy, its hard to form, it sucks. Maybe its just the color I got, but damn....

Next I want to mention that this is going to be my wifes ski primarily. I'm sure i'll take an occasional cruise on it etc, but this slowly becoming a 'chick ski'. So don't be to harsh. <s>i know its horrible but i didn't pick it</s>



I added a little turf bump for my girl's shins. She bruises really easily, so hopefully her shin's wont take too much of a beating when she rides.


I hadn't wrapped the turf around the back of the ski in this pic but its done. The cut black turf is SOOOO much softer than the purple.


I'm gonna have to do some work to help pull the purple in to the rest of the ski. I'm having a tough time getting 'into' the purple, but she likes it... so...


Besides... she's been pretty cool about me buying a AM hull... what mamma wants, mamma gets...

Also, I put the pump in. Its the pump out of her SN. Nothing too fancy, quick steer mod on the turn nozzle, plastic reduction nozzle, Hooker 9/15... Surprisingly, It didn't require any shims but the other pump I had in it did. Not even sure if its worthy of note but I pulled both skid rails off the sides so I can turf...

Thats pretty much it. I need to find a flywheel for the 61x thats going in it. I think it has a 62T stator for some reason. I'm not sure... I either stole the flywheel or the woodruf key off that motor for something else.

Oh yeah I worked on the footholds too... I cut the bracket part off the other hold, and started working the fastener system for the first one. Its gonna take a little tweaking, but i'm excited.
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Cats, lots of cats!
United States
The purple is kinda cool on the ski, retro and neon colors are making a comeback! It's like the 90s all over again with out the sad grunge rock music! But you can always throw some on if you feel like it I spose.


Arlington TX
So i'm finally starting to feel the purple, just need to do a little work to tie it in.

Quick question as you're admiring my <s>terrible</s> work, should I leave the stock rubber front bumper or turf the nose?
There's all kinds of Silicone underneath the stock piece. No big deal... just more work.

The other side will be black cut diamond, so i'll have to figure out a way to transition the two colors. Leaving the bumper makes that easy.

I hate turfing.... I suck at it. BAD... There are flaws everywhere.

I cut out a panel,

trim it... "crap still to big"

trim it... "crap still to big"

trim it.....

"Awww gawd da... Son-of-a...!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Then I start over, cut a new panel... and eff it up all over again.

Anyhow, it'll be fine. Wifey is happy... thats whats important. Its not done, still have the little accent panels on the sides near the dash to do and of course... the Ricky Bobby footholds.

On to the pics...



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