Tanner Thomas aka "Tanman" and his personal freeride tour to Socal.


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
:arms:I am so stoked on this for real. Thank again for the support of this whole community. ZB, SH, JFB, MG, RC, JJ and so many more riders, you guys made it all as big as it really is for me. Crabman, thanks again for all the help down in your area. Good stuff dawg. Now we'll prepare for 2011


thanks darin...noswad!
He's currently enroute to "JFB"'s place for a month of shenanigans before hitting the surf slam in sept., lol...


thanks darin...noswad!
We are going to plan another ride for when he heads home again. He is thinking of leaving in October some time. I'll start working up a plan.
Yea, Idk what his plans for the after SS are exactly, perhaps I can get him to chiime in.


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
Hey guys I am down in Atascadero at JFB's, tomoro I will ride pismo in the morning with Taylor Curtis and Jerry Brandon, then head south to see some friends, have a little BBQ get together saturday night in Anaheim and then right O-side next week, then I have the Liquid Militia team weekend in Pismo next weekend. and im just hangin out until surf slam, riding a bunch and livin it up. im planning on coming up a few days before surf slam and then staying a few days after. Then back to cali I go to hang out and ride and film before world finals, and then the pismo rager the weekend after finals then idk maybe come home! thats alls I have planned now


Oceanside, Ca
You say "thats all I have planed now" as if that isnt one hell of a schedual. thats awsome though man hopfully I can get my ski done and see you out there when you get down here to Oside.


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
ha thanks man, well after a backflip not quite gone around this morning and stabbing the sand with the boat, wacking my knee really hard I am one sore sum beech, but Taylor Curtis and I then put a scupper in my ski, the bilge pumps just werent cuttin it. soooo gonna take some advil and get some ice and get ready for another sesh in the morning with JFB Taylor and Stanton High! Wahooo!! and it sounds like im riding O-side with Jake bright all of next week!


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
You are the epitome of cool. Tanner, you're living the dream. Can't wait to ride with you again at SS.


Oceanside, Ca
and it sounds like im riding O-side with Jake bright all of next week!

Post up if you are going to be out anytime after 2:30 or on a Sunday. Thats when I'm not working. I'm not very good and have a crap ski but love to meet and watch all the guys that really know what they are doing.


Yardsale Master
Agreed with Matt.. I wish I still had the no fear of your age.. Racing mx and going huge..... Scares me now because I know what's possible out of myself..... Parental stuff has taken over I guess.....


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
Well Jake and I rode Oceanside, Tuesday, wednesday and jake rode thursday while I slept in my truck haha I waS TIRED. But now were packed up and heading to Pismo for the Liquid Militia riders weekend. Well be up there Friday evening until saturday around 10. should be fun hope to see some of you guys there. Then back down here to So cal to ride some more sets!


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
well I had a good weekend up in Pismo with my Liquid Militia brothas but my ski didn't run good at all and im thinking that I may have a rear crank seal going out, soooo back at Zack brights house now to tear into a few things and see what I wanna doo. I need a reliable ski for the next few months and this power plant just hasn't ran right since it hit the surf this year :( if someone has a spare XS 865 hangin around lemme know
:brap: in the mean time I would like to get a hold of art at Jetworks, if anyone has his cell phone number and could PM it to me that would be great. he's tough to get a hold of these days
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