Team Scream (X-Scream) 701 ROCKS.

I agree. Team scream motors rock!

I rode mine for 30 minutes about a month ago and was sore for a few days :/ Granted, I was out of shape, and hadn't ridden all summer... but still.

That was with a stock, unmodded ignition aswell. Cant wait to try it with the Advent.
i bet that would feel great in a 66lb trinity hull

J/k .....flcracker

Chuckie knows how to build a great motor.

:haha: Did you come up with that all by yourself? lol

But at the same time I realy like the way my 780cc TLR flattop setup performs... that combined with my fairly light weight boat make it hit, launch, and excelerate noticeably harder then any 701 setup I have ever road.

The next Cylinder I have done will be a ported 83mm Kawi flattop, stock sleeve 61x. It will either be done by a low key guy in the Bunell area, or Chucky Team Scream. :scratchchin:


The Good Old Days
The cylinder is at 82mm but I have no clue on the compression.
I know it's pump gas for what it's worth.

The problem with with this motor is that Chucky gave it to me all ready to go. Not tinkering required so I never bothered to throw my gauge on and test anything.
All I have left is to ride this thing but I will survive.



RN Surgery... soon
The cylinder is at 82mm but I have no clue on the compression.
I know it's pump gas for what it's worth.

The problem with with this motor is that Chucky gave it to me all ready to go. Not tinkering required so I never bothered to throw my gauge on and test anything.
All I have left is to ride this thing but I will survive.


Gauge it when you get a chance. I'm interested in a similar setup, just want to see how much compression Supertune gave er! :brap:


The Good Old Days
I'll check the compression tomorrow.
Guess I should know it anyway for future references but right now it's just to much fun riding the ski.

Oh why didn't I do this sooner.:bigok:



The Good Old Days
that's way to pretty for you Boris:chairshot:

You don't say ?

I figured I would have to wear my helmet at all times or at least a Halloween mask as not to spoil the sight.
Close up it still looks like shait but I'll live with it for now. Maybe one day I can have a pretty boat but that would be a waste on my riding skills.



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The Good Old Days
it's been just over a year with the motor so I figured it was time for an update.

In the past year the motor got a real workout as we get to ride all year, a rough estimate would be 100 + tanks of fuel went through the carbs (and some salt water from time to time) which isn't hard to do riding at least 2 days a week.
I still have the goofy smile every time I hit that little green button and hear the motor wake up. Still love the power and reliability that was built into this little monster by none other than Chucky, I can't thank him enough.

Now for the breakdown.

About 4 months into running the motor I noticed that it got a little muggy on the bottom so after a bit of checking I found a carb dribbling fuel when I chopped the throttle.
Chucky ordered me to get the ski up to him and in a matter of moments replaced a needle and seat on the dribbler. He did the other one since they were off and went through them top to bottom just to make sure.
That was extremely nice of Chucky and he did it free of charge.

Few months go by and all is great until a 4 day ski event rolls around (couchfeast).
Ski ran perfect on the first 3 days with many extended WOT runs through the mangroves. No couch could keep up with me in the tight stuff where and only the fastest would catch up to me and pass me on the long straights. 10 + minutes at WOT is tiring but a blast.
On the 4th day I blew out the reduction nozzle on my morning ride going WOT through some chop. No big deal right.
Pulled the ski out of the water and was going to run back home for a nozzle. Started the ski up to blow out the water and it begun to run away ever so slightly.
Turned out to be a small case leak right by where the starter motor goes in, the fact that the starter motor was lose made it easier to find.
Pulled the motor and found that the AM motor mounts I have been running did a number on my hull. All the bolts were still in and tight but the mounts wore into the inserts and SMC by about 1/4 " on the left side and a bit less on the right. Couldn't tell by yanking on the motor by hand but it did have quite bit of room to vibrate in.
The mounts were rattling everything apart and I bet that's what caused the starter to back out and cause the case leak (remember the needle and seat?).

One call to X-SCREAM had new seals (just in case) and sealant heading my way.
Resealed the motor, stuck in some OEM motor mounts into the patched up hull and all was back to normal

Another couple months roll around and we get some storms passing our coast so surf is up.
Gustav rocked with perfect conditions for a 3 day weekend and right after Ike came rolling by.
While the conditions weren't quite as nice as with Gustav I still managed to bust the nose of my ski and even hurt my self. Motor was perfect.
Didn't get back to the ski for 3 weeks (yep, I was in pain) and when I did I couldn't get the thing to turn over.
Remember the ordeal with the starter ?
I missed the chewed up o-ring on the starter and while we were having a blast in the surf salt water got into the stator area and rusted everything up tight.
My dumb ass caused the death of a mint bendix, a decent starter and my mint flywheel now isn't so mint. Replaced those parts and the motor fired right up.

That is it.
One year of total bliss only interrupted by my stupidity, not running OEM motor mounts and not checking the o-ring caused the most damage. Other than that I have replaced the spark plugs 3 times just for giggles and rode it hard.
The compression is still a perfect 185 PSI in each hole, the o-ringed head has never been off and the motor has never failed to deliver.

Would I do it again ?
For the past year I have forgotten what wrenching is, carb adjustment, What's that? I just want to ride.

I work all week to be able to play on the weekend and with the motor Chucky built me I don't have any concerns about going to the beach. I know that I can hit the green button, install the silly grin and giggle all day. There is no monetary value that could be put on that.

Thank you Chucky and the whole X-SCREAM team for what you do. You have a customer for life. I mean that.

Thank you all for reading by drivel, I am an extremely happy camper.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Sounds sweet! I am about to get a pro-built motor as well, and I must say I am looking forward to pro-reliability.

Hey, question for you Boris. Why did a loose starter cause an airleak? The flywheel/stator area is not connected to the induction part of the cases.


The Good Old Days
Hey, question for you Boris. Why did a loose starter cause an airleak? The flywheel/stator area is not connected to the induction part of the cases.

That's just a guess.
The opening where the starter goes through did get beat up a bit as it was wiggling around in there. Maybe the thing wedged in on an angle and pried the cases apart ever so slightly ?
Just found it funny that the leak was right there.
I have been told that hard AM motor mounts have caused air leaks on occasions so that could be it, or it just happened by it self.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
It's reassuring to hear how long this motor has lasted you without troubles (other than caused BY you directly)

Exactly what I am after.


Xscream Braaaap
palm harbor, Fl
good to hear!!! they are probably one of the nicest most helpful crew out there and when they say theyre going to do something.. THEY DO IT!

cambo au

nice write up i would love to drop some coin on a pro built motor but it becomes so expensive with shipping to australia espesialy if you are shipping your motor over there for a starting point glad you are happy with it
what sort of money was that motor worth?
did you send him your motor or did he just send you a complete motor?
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