Finally got off my lazy ass and got back to working on the ski.Longest SF build ever..
Also,the fuel block (is there a different name for this part other then what l'm calling it?) has 2-1/2" water lines coming to it and 3/8" lines going out.Two to the exhaust manifold and one to the entry side of the waterbox that sprays into the exit side of the pipe.
First time l put the pipe in the hull it took about 20 min's trying to fit it in without scratching the crap out of it.Yesterday about 5 min.Definitely a technique to it.I glued the foam block down to the hull to support the pipe and figured out that the straps needed to secure the pipe down should

be attached to the front hull hooks before the pipe is in.Next step was to put the exhaust hose on the thru hull pipe going thru the bulkhead.Of course,the 2.50" carbon pipe l made was a bit more than the intended size,so after much wrestling the hose went on.l almost think l could run it with out a clamp (bitch!). Waterbox install was a breeze comparatively.Tightened all the T bolt clams and rechecked it all.Another thread on the X,
@Jr. Explained the importance of using a wide clamp (such as a T bolt) to use on carbon pipes.It is very easy to over tighten without realizing the pipe is cracking and then you caused yourself an issue. Just lack putting in the gas tank,but need to go over everything to make sure it's all secure.Also,l have a limited slip gas tank block that needs to be glued down with 5200.Saving it for a little later.
Still a number of small things to do,but l don't go back to work until Wednesday.
I had to get away from the ski yesterday.but wasn't ready to sit down yet either.Decided to work on my Tacoma.I bought a Ram mount a while back for my phone,so decided to mount it.Also,had a wired mike that wasn't working.Had a new one to install at the same time.And of course,why not put some vinyl carbon over the dash pieces while you have the dash torn all to hell!