JM781 Big Bore
- Location
- Here on the 'X' mostly
One guess. lol
Don't be too sure....the spelling is right, and besides the over use of commas, the sentence is almost comprehesible.
Now where is that damn popcorn smiley????????????
One guess. lol
I hope that they can work it out on their own without destroying this site. pwctoday got destroyed this way, and this site isn't far behind. I think a group hug is needed here.
a group hug wouldnt hurt, but, i think that this is healthy for "the sport". its kind of like how a hurricane rips useless limbs and leaves off a tree. sure... it sucks while its happening, but when its done.... hey clean tree!:wiggle:
.....or a snapped-in-half tree that impaled a few dozen evacuees in a small church.
I can see why Pete is upset with Paul. Everyone only sees one view of the situation (What is on the Internet) and not what Pete had to deal with. So please stop making judgments about Pete. He has every right to be as angry as he is. Pete has supported Paul and pushed his products like he does with all his sponsors. Yet Paul on the other hand would just yell at Pete or put him down for doing so. Why sponsor a person if you do not want them promoting your product?
I have a problem believing guys in Pete's crew. I have heard from people in jersey telling me things you wouldn't believe, and that my theory as to why they are so determined to trash LPW is right on the money. I-Hop seems like a good guy to me also, but manipulation is a factor to me.
When reading threads of this type, I sometimes sit here and wonder...Do any of you people that let this stuff get to you really have a life outside of the internet? If the dude builds good motors, let it be. Everybody lies..its a simple fact of nature. If he lied, but still put out quality parts who cares? Go read a book, play with your kids, work on one of your something constructive and quit the highschool drama.
a group hug wouldnt hurt, but, i think that this is healthy for "the sport". its kind of like how a hurricane rips useless limbs and leaves off a tree. sure... it sucks while its happening, but when its done.... hey clean tree!:wiggle:
.....or a snapped-in-half tree that impaled a few dozen evacuees in a small church.
I'm painting the inside of my house right now. :biggthumpup:
Just figured I'd stop watching paint dry for a moment and check in.
No offense, but I think I'll go back to watching that paint dry.
I would want someone to explain it to me if I put down thousands of dollars toward a motor and put my assurance in an engine builder that I thought knew what he was doing. If that engine builder is telling me that he has a dyno, I would assume it to be true. Just like anything else he tells me that I might need for my motor, or best for my setup. If that engine builder is lying about a dyno, what else is he lying about? Relatively speaking of course.
There was/is enough suspicion, even beyond Pete's accusation of no dyno, for cause of concern. I wouldn't want to go to a builder that lies, or does not provide adequate service for my needs or wants. Trust is a hard to gain and easy to lose
I just find it odd that a piece of equipment that is readily used would be stashed away in a shed because of the smell of hydraulic fluid. I worked on cars for years. I don't care what a piece of equipment would smell my garage up, if I used if all the time it was right in easy access.
Maybe the question should be who has really seen the dyno, anyone besides Paul?? Maybe that could clear the air.
This site has turned to crap cause of this stupid bickering wow.....grow up this thread was about pauls dyno if you dont believe him just stay outa of it and go take all this crap some where else i cant stand looking at this site anymore
I hate Painting...
I hate Painting...
I've been getting lots of pm's from people wondering what has been going on. I havent responded to any of them as I was going to stay out of the whole mess, but I'll give my side of everything. some people might think my opinions are biased since im good friends with Paul. Thats not really the case though, because I am also friends with Pete, John Scorn, Paul (ihop) and Mark.
I'll start off by saying if it werent for Paul I would still be ridign my fx-140 thinking im the coolest thing on the water, and posting on pwctoday asking if my wax job looked good.
As for the dyno, I have no idea what a dyno even is, now i know its a machine that measure torque and horsepower. Did Paul ever have one in his shop? I have no clue, I could have tripped over one and not known it. I have seen Paul and the other mechanics using laptops, pda's and all kinds of other devices while building and tuning skis, but I have no idea what they were for or what they were doing with them.
Turnaround times are another thing that has come up. Have I seen people mad at Paul for bad turnaround times? yes Have I seen people mad at Paul for various reasons? Yes. But on that same note, I have seen people pissed at team scream for bad turnaround times and other things, Ive seen people pissed at Full Throttle for various things, I have seen people pissed at Blowsion for various things, I have seen people pissed at Ed Brazina for various things, I have seen people pissed at Wamiltons for various things Ive seen people pissed at Pat Bogart for various things. Does this make all these people bad builders and businessmen? No it doesnt. Every single company in this industry has good and bad experiences under their belt and anyone that tells you that the company they deal with has never had a customer pissed at them is lying. Paul puts more heart in his work than anyone I have seen. When he was in Jersey, he would be at his shop from early morning till all hours of the night , sometimes till about 3am or so. Not because he wanted to, but because he had to. Trying to do work all day while people are calling to check on their stuff takes time away from a builder doing their job. A secretary wont work in a situation like that because everyone wants to talk to the person doing the work, not a person just answering the phones. So 3 hours of phone calls means 3 hours staying late at work to finish work that was supposed to be done.
When you have friends that are fighting it always puts you in an awkward situation. I talked to Pete on the phone last night and I understand why he is pissed. Everyone in the pissing match are good people, just caught up in drama but I bet would all sit down and drink a beer together and laugh.
I know I'm gonna get people saying to stop kissing Pauls ass but I dont see it like that. I consider Paul a true friend and he has always gone above and beyond to help me and my family with anything we needed, not just with skis, but in life in general.
One more thing, my other thread that I started about observations of the site was not directed at anyone in particular. Ive gotten pm's asking if it was directed at Pete and other people but it is in no way directed at Pete or anyone in particular. Pete is a friend of mine and I would call him before I would post anything like that about him.