You are misunderstanding.
Moderated means the posts go into a queue and we approve/disapprove. If the forum is un-moderated, then they are live as soon as you post, and anyone/everyone can post.
If it were un-moderated but only the thread starter and the feedback-ee were supposed to post, we would be deleting posts all day long. People don't read the rules/guidelines in different forums already, they post in the wrong forums, they hit 'report this post' instead of 'reply', you'd be amazed at how many little things are messed up on a daily basis. Heck, we have people hit 'report this post' on their visitor messages, I used to have people reply to an e-mail notification because the e-mail had the post body in it---that's why I removed the messages from the notification e-mails.
In a perfect world, yeah that might work, but in the real world, the forum would have to 'moderated' and I'm sure someone eventually would bitch about something we did wrong.
Allowing only the two people involved in each transaction to voice their sides of the story 'unedited' and keeping all others out of the thread is not moderation IMO.
As per my post on the other thread, allowing some to post and others to not post is a recipe for disaster and drama will ensue...
Under this scenario, Kennay would have followed up the original post with his own post (referencing the original post) and followed it up with the data that that he had at hand.
If the thread gets out of hand it gets locked 'unedited' once the parties have had their say.
Quite simple I believe...