The Perpetual Monster BASH!!!!


Sounded like a great idea when I posted it (and still could be for others…I’m a bum), but I’m honestly beyond beat and TOTALLY beyond any big party weekend of any kind (such an understatement). I know Hiram’s is going to be going off too, so that’s lame! Sorry I didn’t nail down a specific date with ALL orig SFSS’s prior…really wasn’t any time! Dre, if you’re still in, I won’t bail on you out of respect Sir (plus it’s been a while)!

Definitely not up for being a phone text cheerleader of any kind for those not on this site (in order to coordinate a massive meet), but I would love to get out to Sebby while water temps are still hitting the 80’s 4SURE!!! (tried the dry-suit out finally, LOLOL…stories are outrageously funny, but I’m not sure I should give up that ammo to you guys.)

Current water temps are 78-80, waves are up to 5 (sloppy 2day though)…next weekend might be seriously better (and still warm), so I’m watching still.

You guys know I’ve been staying inland forever to handle my grandmother’s affairs, but havin taken a taste of the surf last week…I know I’ll be seriously feigning once recuperated fully and caught up with things!

To recap:
I’m not out yet (just whinning),
I want to hit Sebby while water temps are still good (soon then),
WJ’s are right, you guys are harder to get in one coop than a bunch of chicks, so be men and pick a date for a huge, warm-water Sebby ride please! :poke:

Can you guys tell us what you/yours Halloween costumes are, or is it a secret?

Stricky, so glad to see you’re still alive (and the same, lolol, I haven’t been reading the boards really). There’s a guy on the West Coast named Derick that rides a b1 (reminds me soooo very much of you, lol), and there’s a crew of three which seem identical to all of you when you get going (I was skerd but laughing hard)...

About 20 of us were left hanging around one particular campfire (after countless gasoline bombs…I think it was racing fuel :tapedshut:), and this crew sneaks over and offers me a chair (big mistake on my part, lol)! Shortly after, I politely ask if they are coming to Tona (mind you, I had met the ring leader at least once before, so I was clued, but had NO IDEA…they were in rare form)! Slutty, all I know (tis a fog really), is I said “Yamaslut” (bigger mistake)!! Here’s how it went…

“You’re a slut???!”
“You’re a slut?!!!!!!!!!!”
“NO!! Yamaslut!!!!!”
“Did you say you’re a slut?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“NOOOOO!!!! YAMASLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“I think you said you’re a slut, is that what you said?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

(this seemed to go on longer…forEVER!!!...I was mortified, but that’s the gist of it all!)

I get up, one of them jumps in the chair to add insult to injury, and I move over to the right about ten feet! Did it stop? NO!!! They were over their trying to keep their smirks hidden, I’m laughing (kind of), but totally embarrassed (and paranoid…bunch of dawgs, lol)! THEN, he yells the question a bit louder!!! OH MY GOSH!!! I run over to the other side of the campfire and hide behind a surrogate “caregiver”….they basically start rolling in the sand, still egging it on! I had to pull your muscle into it then by yelling out, “THAT’S SOUTH FLORIDA TO YOU THEN BUDDY!!!!” (I couldn’t bring myself to yell out the remaining “surf slut” portion for propriety sake, but they got the message loud and clear, plus I think the “caregiver’s” presence helped ten-fold 4SURE!)

Moral of the story:
It pays to know the top smack-talking, better riders on the East Coast, AND never travel w/o a caregiver! :baby:

Will be off the charts if they come to Tona and you guys meet up…”War of the Top Smack Talkers”…and I’m filming for private viewing, hahaha! Will be crazier than SF vs WJ’s!!!

(this is gross/tasteless, but whatever…I ran across it the other day, and that’s all I could think about):
YouTube - Bevis and Butthead


Lost my magnifying glass Boss! :reporter:

Hey…signed back on cuz of Dre! He just called (the lil lurker, lol) and said you and Stricky are still stuck in the dirt on your bikes (we never did get around to figuring this out b4 he had to do a quick call ya back…I was chattering on bout Cali/he was chattering on bout his always wild/extreme adventures )!!!!

I’m not calling you Boss any longer unless you earn that respect back by getting on the water soon…you’re the one that started all this chatter anyway! I think you’re just all talk big boy! You skerd Chris and Mike are gonna show you up, lol? :dance:


Tomorrow surf will be blowing up. Offshore breezes. Mike, Mike, and Chris are coming over from the West side.... This is the weekend to rip it.

Is this the new, true SFSS's? I have good intentions (I’m sure that’s all they are, but ya never know)…can’t stand it…charging a battery…I’m sooooo tired! I want to see ya go big, bigger than ever (but I'll prob just have to read about it all :Eyecrazy:)! If I'm not there, have a blast and be careful all of you!!


i got something you can show up on!

i need to buy a jetski battery, then i can play again... where do they sell those things again? :trink26:

I’ve got your spare battery right here buddy, and it’s the kind that braps instead of prrrrs, so don’t even go there! What’s your lamebutt excuse now! You have surf 2mrrw, you have a battery…you have some competition…I suppose you have a flat tire on the trailer next (or somewhere, lol)! :wiggle:


Darn it Saki, I had to get back up for feeling guilty over not saying something “normal/nice” in return just as you did, (lol, why do you do this to me). I honestly don’t see myself going tomorrow (look at the hour…still jet lagging somehow), but if you really need a battery…get me up in the morning and you can use the new one in the b1 (or any other time of course)!
cool.. i wanna start getting up to sebby more often these days. now that winter/wave time is here, it's worth the drive for us fart ladderdallers..
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