I've contemplated ditching the scoop grate but I don't know on that yet. I would think that might hurt hook up considerably. I'll cut the rideplate flush with the hull tomorrow and see if that helps first.
If I can get the nose down, I think the hull will handle like a dream. I have a sneaky feeling that cruising around or high speed runs to catch a boat may be out of the question though. Time will tell for sure though...
No backflip, roll, or nose stab attempts because I'm still trying to get it riding the way I want. I also haven't installed the trim nozzle yet either. It's still sitting on downstairs the kitchen counter.
If I can get the nose down, I think the hull will handle like a dream. I have a sneaky feeling that cruising around or high speed runs to catch a boat may be out of the question though. Time will tell for sure though...
No backflip, roll, or nose stab attempts because I'm still trying to get it riding the way I want. I also haven't installed the trim nozzle yet either. It's still sitting on downstairs the kitchen counter.