ok...let me see if i can clarify...yes it was more than one comment that got me all fired up...if i have gotten bad video reviews, people calling my videos crap to my face, etc...i am used to stuff like that...i was already in a foul mood and unfortunately mark44 took the brunt of it right then...
i need to take a step back...for many different reasons. the filming for ITB was not going the way i wanted it...same locations, shots, faces, etc just seemed stale to me..the addiction all over again...c'mon, that would be boring...i want to do a whole lot more than just a sequel.
and the scene has changed...tremendously. there are alot more people, alot good, some not so good. but you know what they say, "a few bad apples..."
i am trying to sort out who the bad apples are in my life right now...
there is a very palpable feeling of negativity floating around. more people are coming to the freerides...but i have noticed at the ones i was at this year that more cliques are kind of keeping to themselves...hence the worm walk at allatoona, to try and get everyone to come together and mingle, meet, and grow...
i feel like some people are losing sight of what got them started down this road we have all gone down...
thank you everyone for the kind words, and the encouragement...it really means alot to me...
and yes, i film streetbikes...but also freestyle motocross...ama, bmx, all kinds of stuff...i have always been spastic when it comes to shooting...keeps me from getting bored...but it is not the reason i would walk away from one genre or another...
opcorn4: (BK's favorite) :newangel:
We have always gone into any project we work on knowing that some people will love it, some won't...not a problem for us. We did all this because we love it--and the people associated with the sport. As long as at the end of the day we could step back and be proud of it, and know that we didn't take advantage of any of you guys in the process, well that's all we cared about.
I feel like we accomplished just that!!! We have no regrets.
why do i get the feeling that this is the main tool at marks shop?
ok...let me see if i can clarify...yes it was more than one comment that got me all fired up...if i have gotten bad video reviews, people calling my videos crap to my face, etc...i am used to stuff like that...i was already in a foul mood and unfortunately mark44 took the brunt of it right then...
i need to take a step back...for many different reasons. the filming for ITB was not going the way i wanted it...same locations, shots, faces, etc just seemed stale to me..the addiction all over again...c'mon, that would be boring...i want to do a whole lot more than just a sequel.
and the scene has changed...tremendously. there are alot more people, alot good, some not so good. but you know what they say, "a few bad apples..."
i am trying to sort out who the bad apples are in my life right now...
there is a very palpable feeling of negativity floating around. more people are coming to the freerides...but i have noticed at the ones i was at this year that more cliques are kind of keeping to themselves...hence the worm walk at allatoona, to try and get everyone to come together and mingle, meet, and grow...
i feel like some people are losing sight of what got them started down this road we have all gone down...
thank you everyone for the kind words, and the encouragement...it really means alot to me...
and yes, i film streetbikes...but also freestyle motocross...ama, bmx, all kinds of stuff...i have always been spastic when it comes to shooting...keeps me from getting bored...but it is not the reason i would walk away from one genre or another...
Part of it is exacly what Chris said above...wanting to step back and make sure In the Blood isn't just The Addiction---a year later...we would like to take a fresh new approach---but we gotta figure out what that is first....:dunno:
The second part is that our whole illusion of friendships within this sport was shaken up pretty badly this week. I expect that if Chris and I go to bat for you (alot) and make sure that you are well represented in our work, that we are loyal to you, make ourselves available to you anytime as friends, etc.---I expect that we should at least get the same respect in return...no??? Apparently not--apparently it was very easy for a certain person to forget all that and not be man enough to go to bat for us....
This was very hurtful--as this was a longtime "friend". The whole situation was very disheartening. It is time as Chris said--for us to weed out the bad apples and figure out where we go from here.
Thank you again to all of you who are standing behind us--it does mean alot to us!
What cracks me up about this forum is how people take things SO seriously. If you can't take critisim then you aren't going to make it through life. Either take the ciritism and try to improve or tell everyone to screw off. Taking it personally is just going to make you self distruct.
You say WTF do you want to see in a Jet Ski Video, I think what Mark44 is saying is more flatwater-expand to show different people.
You know you can bash me all day long for saying this but I agree. AGAIN not saying that the addiction sucked at all. I liked it. But that is what makes people grow, more suggestions. Why do stores have a suggestion box-to maybe bring other aspects to the business that they wouldn't think about. Doesn't mean that they have to conform to all the suggestions, some they will and some they won't.
no to single you out Rhonda - but either tell the whole story with all the sordid details - or keep it to yourself and don't post anything about it.
to only post part of the story and say "it doesn't do anyone any good to name names" - does more harm than anything. It gets people to wondering what is going on, and soon enough it spirals downhill and people end up at each other's throats for no damm reason.
it's not just you - it been happening quite a bit around here lately - and I'm sick of what happens as a result.
The last thing I expect is this place to be an internet utopia - but do some of ya'll ALWAYS have to be in the middle of every little bit of drama?
In response to your question, it's childish.
"I've got a secret and I'm not going to tell".
Why tell someone you have a secret if you are not going to tell?
Are you barging about the fact you have a secret?
Do you feel special?
In response to Penguin, you have to look at all the BS on this site.
If you're not going to name names, then just say we are done and end the discussion. Giving piecemeal info just stirs the pot and entices the antagonists on the boards.
I hate getting in the middle of this garbage. I don't watch soaps for a reason. I have not read this entire thread.
I'm sad to hear that essentially Nacenscy Cinema is out of PWC productions, but that's their decision.
Chris does great work, and he'll succeed in whatever he decides he wants to do.
Good luck.