TPE-964 Engine?

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I rode chris's ski at surf slam with the TPE 964. abosulutely amazing power!! i was so suprised. It was so easy to do flips off the smallest of waves and it will not jerk you around. I will hopefully be replacing my Dasa with this motor. Great things are coming from TPE. highly recommended!


Building Brawlers
Harveys Lake,Pa
Love my 964, been running it since wave daze with absolutely no problems. Swamped it numerous time, blew it out and drove on. Even pulled the head to check things and it looks brand new still. PFP, Epic,49 Full specs, 148 pump. Hits harder than the Dasa 1000 10 mil from last year!


Liquid Insanity
New York Crew
JP79 ill agree with those statements. Killer set up, one of the best all around packages anyone has ridden. Was just discussing your ski with Brazina yesterday


My home away from home.
IMG_2295.JPG Love my 964. I ride at 5,000' elevation on a glass 2014 Hurricane with 178 psi compression, 48 FS's, Boyesen intake, RRP pipe, ATP Flame TL, 144 solos mag - med cone - 14/19 hooker (want to prop up a tad)

In my avatar pic I hit a wave (not much bigger than a set up wake) on a small lake. No trim needed as pic shows. Plenty of hit! Philip Clemons helped me with my set up via emails and got me SO close to perfect. Wish I was closer to him, to get him on it and fine tune everything. But as it is, I am beyond stoked with the linear power this SS has. Eric really deserves countless pats on the back for all his sacrifice and hard work put into these motors. Worth every penny IMO.

I'd hit up Philip and have him help get you dialed in. No matter what motor you chose. He's tuned pretty much everything out there many times over. The few bucks you will spend getting him to get you tuned, is worth its weight in gold.

I was sure I would be spending all summer tuning with a completely new ski, pump and motor. But Philip dialed me in right at the start.

If interested though... Hit up other engine builders as well as stated above. It's always good to weigh your options.
my only consern is that nicasil.. heard lot about snomobile and dirt bike problems about durability with nicasil.. but riding is bit different les hostile and well.. very low hours compared snomobile or dirtbike..
is it big operation to do new nicasil over the old one.. and how easy is it to kill nicasil engine?
Nicasil is extremely durable. I have taken apart many dozens of Yamaha PV motors, some with 300-400 hours of time on them and the plating was still near perfect. It is not easy to hurt one.

Replating is a process where the old nicasil coating is chemically stripped, any damage to the aluminum is welded and remachined, and then replated and finished to final spec. Cost is $200-250 usually. And nicasil can't rust! It's great in all aspects except higher cost if you score a cylinder...

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On my recent rebuild, my pistons wore out but the bore still looked brand new. And this was a surf engine that drank salt water and ate sand...
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