A bit of an update for me.
I was (up till yesterday) running 95g springs, 2.0 N&S (25psi popoff), 112.5p, 125m.
I had been having trouble with getting going right off the boat launch. Once I got going it was all good.
Additionally, lately the ski's been loading up like crazy after some landings.
I decided to up the popoff pressure to 32 psi (via 115g springs).
As I had the boat in the water idling, I noticed that my rear carb is dribbling. I find this a bit troubling, as the popoff is high enough for this not to be caused by vibration.
Additionally, the needle looks good (almost perfect!) - it's less than one year old.
Anyways, I tuned it the way you're supposed to this time around.
I let the boat idle in the water and adjusted the low speed adjusters on both carbs evenly until I obtained the highest possible idle.
By then, I found my pilots too lean - a quick pull of the throttle had the engine hesitate big time and even die.
So, I put in 115 pilots, and repeated the low speed adjuster procedure I just described.
After that, I took it for a spin. Runs nice! A bit crisper than my previous setup, and quite a bit crisper than the last time I tried this combo.
Note that I didn't mess with the low speed adjusters the last time I tried the combo.
I am pretty happy with it now. The loading up after landings seems to have gone away, even though the carb still dribbles at idle (not much).
I can feel a very slight hesitation right off idle. The popoff may be too high, so I might up the pilot still or lower popoff and repeat my tuning.