Unwanted visitors at the door!

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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
I sat up pretty late last night playing the 360, so I was all ready to sleep in late this morning. Well, that didn't happen. A little before 8 a.m. my doorbell started ringing. 3 times to be precise. I crawl out of bed, get dressed and go answer the door. Guess who?
Jehovah's Witnesses if you can imagine that!!:damnit:
I tried to be polite and tell them that it wasn't a good time, but they kept on with their speach. Finally I was forced to shut the door in their face, but before I got it shut, they quickly shoved their pamplets through the door. I mean come on now......you get less pressure at a car dealership!!!
I am not trying to start anything here in regards to religion, but them guys are like :spam:. They keep on popping up. I live in a small town and I swear they come knocking at least once every other month. I'm ready to release the hounds!!
I'm sorry, but if you have to try and force your religion on people by knocking on their doors in the morning, maybe you could find something more constructive to do with your time!
Okay, I'm done. I just had to vent about this. :soapbox:
I sat up pretty late last night playing the 360, so I was all ready to sleep in late this morning. Well, that didn't happen. A little before 8 a.m. my doorbell started ringing. 3 times to be precise. I crawl out of bed, get dressed and go answer the door. Guess who?
Jehovah's Witnesses if you can imagine that!!:damnit:
I tried to be polite and tell them that it wasn't a good time, but they kept on with their speach. Finally I was forced to shut the door in their face, but before I got it shut, they quickly shoved their pamplets through the door. I mean come on now......you get less pressure at a car dealership!!!
I am not trying to start anything here in regards to religion, but them guys are like :spam:. They keep on popping up. I live in a small town and I swear they come knocking at least once every other month. I'm ready to release the hounds!!
I'm sorry, but if you have to try and force your religion on people by knocking on their doors in the morning, maybe you could find something more constructive to do with your time!
Okay, I'm done. I just had to vent about this. :soapbox:

this one is just one more reason to hate organized religion... as if there weren't enough reasons already. THe flat out arrogance is astonishing!!!

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I used to live in a neighborhood they frequented often. it was like at least once a week they'd be pounding on doors.

I ended up putting a sign up near the door that read: "IF GOD WANTED TO SELL ME RELIGION HE WOULD OPEN UP A DEALERSHIP"

They stopped knocking on my door.


Hooked on the Jamz
I refuse to be polite to these people. They piss me off to no end. They have absolutely no business bringing their bull******** to my front door, much less at the times they choose to knock.

The last batch of religion salesmen that knocked on my door got chased off my property by my angry wiener dog. I didn't mean for her to go after them but I was so tired (being a Saturday morning, one of two of my only mornings to sleep in) that the dog just slipped out of the door.

I was only half-dressed so I had to allow her to terrorize them until I could get dressed. The dog never left our property and the witness' haven't been back since.

Usually I just point to my "no soliciting" sign (which I put up just for religion salespeople) and tell them I am not buying.

I would love to have a list of JW members and their home addresses. I'd have some great ******** to sell them at around 3am on a Monday morning.


I had a JW stop by the all the time One bored day we sat on my Porch and had a about hour conversation He was trying to talk religion I was telling him that going Jet-skiing was like going to Church to me.

I ended up telling him he was going to Hell if he didn't accept jet-sking into his life.:barrel:

He hasn't been back but I see him and his bud all over the nieghborhood he never even waves hello.
I like to blow a big bong hit at them when I open the door, then act all wasted... they usually get the point...

I want to answer it naked or in my wifes thong, just to mentally scar them for life


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
I had a JW stop by the all the time One bored day we sat on my Porch and had a about hour conversation He was trying to talk religion I was telling him that going Jet-skiing was like going to Church to me.

I ended up telling him he was going to Hell if he didn't accept jet-sking into his life.:barrel:

He hasn't been back but I see him and his bud all over the nieghborhood he never even waves hello.

Ha ha....I bet deep inside that guy was PISSED!! You know he was, but couldn't show it. That's funny though that you wasted his time just like they do to everyone else!!:smashfreakB:


Greenville, SC
True story, I answered the door to this old black JW in a straw hat while I had a monster J in my mouth in nothing but my socks. I was playing Xbox chillin had been up all night, The GF and I just got done with a little love session about a hour before and she was sleepin. I prolly smelled like catfood and ass, he politely excused his self and apolagized for disturbing me, but he still left the pamplet on the stoop after I closed the door.

They've never been back. Thank bejesus!
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High on jetskis.
i was bored so i figured wth, i listen to there bull and maybe i can make them question there own religion! i had these people give me this speech like "how would you like to live forever, see all the great places in this world"
expecting my reply to be oh wow that would be great!
but because i am a sane and self thinking individual i replied how i would never want to live forever and how much that would suck. asked them whats the point in living if you dont die? ive heard a term once "trapped in purgatory" and wandering the earth like a ghost sure seems like a form of hell to me!
they didnt even know what to say SO THEY STARTED OVER From THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!

after they said that i really lost all respect for there crackpot ideas and gimmicks. religion is a personal belief. its definitely not something you find on your doorstep.

religious people are freaks!


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
just invite them in
to "help you sacrifice a small animal
to My Lord Satan"

that usually runs them off!


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
when i was a teenager my mom would respond out of the kitchen yelling we were catholic or athiest while i was answering the door w/ my girlfriend ( who they asked if was my sister ) i responed no she is my girlfriend and planted a kiss on her lips. they said sorry to bother you and proceeded doen the street


Grand Rapids, MI
I've only been visited once and I forget if they were Jehova Witnesses or Mormons. Anyway, it was two ladies and one was smoking hot! I wanted to invite her in but I had a gf at the time so I didn't think that would be appropriate.

I hoped they would return but they never did, and then I moved.


I had a JW stop by the all the time One bored day we sat on my Porch and had a about hour conversation He was trying to talk religion I was telling him that going Jet-skiing was like going to Church to me.

I ended up telling him he was going to Hell if he didn't accept jet-sking into his life.:barrel:

He hasn't been back but I see him and his bud all over the nieghborhood he never even waves hello.

haha Thats too funny. They showed up at my house one time when I was loading up to go camping. I asked them to help me load the truck while they talked. Then ended up leaving.

Midlake Crisis

Site Supporter
Bakersfield, CA
I get no respect from the Jehovah's Witnessess. Last week I opened the door for two of them, they took a look at me for a second, then slammed the door in my face and said "We're not interested!".

Yamaslut said:
this one is just one more reason to hate organized religion... as if there weren't enough reasons already. THe flat out arrogance is astonishing!!!

You should come visit our church, we aren't very organized.
You probably would think we are arrogant though, because we do actually believe that God created the world and that Jesus Christ really did die for our sins and rise from the dead. We also believe that people who don't believe those things are wrong.
Then again, I guess it depends on what you mean by arrogant, because people who don't believe those things and think that those who do believe them are wrong might be considered arrogant too?
Food for thought. . . .


Grand Rapids, MI
You probably would think we are arrogant though, because we do actually believe that God created the world and that Jesus Christ really did die for our sins and rise from the dead. We also believe that people who don't believe those things are wrong.

MC, Jesus said "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him".

So, what I do is pray for those who have not yet been called, that God may draw them to him. It may piss them off that I am praying for them, but God always answers our prayers, so tough :)


High on jetskis.
I get no respect from the Jehovah's Witnessess. Last week I opened the door for two of them, they took a look at me for a second, then slammed the door in my face and said "We're not interested!".

You should come visit our church, we aren't very organized.
You probably would think we are arrogant though, because we do actually believe that God created the world and that Jesus Christ really did die for our sins and rise from the dead. We also believe that people who don't believe those things are wrong.
Then again, I guess it depends on what you mean by arrogant, because people who don't believe those things and think that those who do believe them are wrong might be considered arrogant too?
Food for thought. . . .
they slammed your door in YOUR face? now they must be having a really bad day. lol

now this underlined statement puts religion all in perspective for me.
you believe that people, under so called holy heritage or otherwise, can be revived from death.. and anyone who doesnt fully agree is just wrong. like maybe it coulda happened differently or not even at all...
remember that game telephone you would play in school, say one thing at the beginning and it comes out totally different at the end? i remember rumors in high school where small stuff would get so exaggerated, just over a DAY. now 2000 years? you sure have some "faith" in a story for all you know may have been just written as a play!
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