Unwanted visitors at the door!

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Grand Rapids, MI
There is the problem. The religious people that think that they can and it's their duty to try and CHANGE other people's beliefs.

Just speaking for Christians, the primary purpose of the Church is to evangelize. So ervangelizing is simply inherent to our religion. We're not trying to change your beliefs, we're simply sharing the Good News (or trying to).

If you have religion in your life and you're one with god.....shouldn't that be what you're concerned about?

No, because of two things. One, God wants all to come to know him and be saved. And two, we are commanded to love our brothers and sisters. Sharing the good news of Jesus is the loving response to a non-believer. Letting them stay "in the dark" is not a loving response. It's kind of like if you have a Superjet and you see a guy on a 440... you're going to tell him how AWESOME your Superjet is! Why don't you just leave him alone???

I was born, babtized, confirmed, and raised in a Christian household, but I'm not going to talk about my current stance on religion now that I'm an adult and have my OWN, rational views. That's MY BUSINESS. It's you people that try to preach your views and change people that don't want it, that get under everyone's skin and make you look foolish.

I'd really like to hear your own rational views on Christianity. What Church teachings did you find irrational?

Because you think that the more you talk about it to someone, the more they'll believe you. Who are you to try and program others to your way of thinking?:newangel:
Faith is faith. You can't make someone have faith in what you do if they don't really believe or feel the same way about this.

I hope that I plant little seeds in the minds of non-believers, that someday may blossom! It's common for young people to scorn "organized religion" but then find their way back home later in life. Maybe you'll thank us later :)


Grand Rapids, MI
atheistic don’t proselytize or start crusades or tell you how to live your life
I wish all the jesus freaks would do the same

Ummmm... you just told me how to live my life! What hypocrisy!

I try to not tell others how to live their lives, I just try to be an example of Christ. I'd never go door-to-door and I think the vast majority of Christians don't do such things. It's mostly only the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormon's who do, and I personally don't consider them to be "Christian".


Grand Rapids, MI
not quite sure what your point is? but it reminds me of a tv program i watched just yesterday about the taboos in religions allover the world. people throwing themselves into trances to get taken over by spirits from the past to HEAL others. this is some disturbed stuff that most people will get thrown in the loony bin for.

I agree, dabbling with the occult is scary stuff. That's why the Bible warns us to stay away from such things.


Grand Rapids, MI
how would it feel if i told you i feel sorry for you because you need to use the religious crutch to make it through life?

I'd personally feel shocked that you could be so mistaken, because (at least for me) religion is not a crutch. In fact my life was "better" before I found Jesus. It's very difficult being a Christian and not a hypocrite... "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."


Dallas/Fort worth
I'm not going to try to force anything on anyone, and have no interest in exchanging insults. But I look for and welcome opportunities to discuss what I think is the most important thing in life.

I have carefully and thoroughly studied the claims of Christianity and have concluded that Christianity is true, and I am willing to rationally discuss the reasons for that conclusion with anyone who is willing to talk about it, in public or private.

I wish that every person on this forum would come to faith in Christ. I hate the fact that so many people are not only lost and don't know it, but won't even seriously consider whether or not the claims of Christ are true. I hate the fact that it has become so accepted to insult God or anyone who claims to believe in him.

So, while I am not going to try to force anything down anyone's throat, I am also not going to sit idly by when the topic of religion comes up and just watch as people mock God and march merrily down the road to Hell. God deserves much better, and he has offered much better to us.

That's why I think it is worth seriously talking about. Anybody want to move past the drama and get to the merits?

I guess the problem with that is, you're asking for someone to consider the possibility of jesus being our savior without yourself considering you are involved in a "cult". Look at the branch davidians


or maybe


I am going out on a limb here but I am guessing you were raised primarily christian. Now I would be thoroughly impressed if you were raised in india with no christian influence and picked up the bible and said "yep this makes more sense than my religion, I am getting saved asap". If one religion were better than another it would be obvious to everyone because the holy spirit would guide us all to it right?

I think the bible is more of a choose your own adventure book that is up to the readers interpretation.


Dallas/Fort worth
No, because of two things. One, God wants all to come to know him and be saved. And two, we are commanded to love our brothers and sisters. Sharing the good news of Jesus is the loving response to a non-believer. Letting them stay "in the dark" is not a loving response. It's kind of like if you have a Superjet and you see a guy on a 440... you're going to tell him how AWESOME your Superjet is! Why don't you just leave him alone??

I can take anyone to the lake and show them with physical proof that the superjet is superior.

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
But is it true?

I guess the problem with that is, you're asking for someone to consider the possibility of jesus being our savior without yourself considering you are involved in a "cult". Look at the branch davidians


or maybe


I am going out on a limb here but I am guessing you were raised primarily christian. Now I would be thoroughly impressed if you were raised in india with no christian influence and picked up the bible and said "yep this makes more sense than my religion, I am getting saved asap". If one religion were better than another it would be obvious to everyone because the holy spirit would guide us all to it right?

I think the bible is more of a choose your own adventure book that is up to the readers interpretation.

I was raised in a Christian family, and I am very thankful that they pointed me in the right direction. They taught me a bunch of other true stuff too, that had nothing to do with religion. I bet your parents taught you some true stuff too.

Anyway, I don't think it matters so much how we come to faith in Christ, what matters is that the Gospel is true, and that we do come to believe it and put our faith in Christ.
For those who are intellectually skeptical of Christianity I think there are many good reasons to believe, and that the objections themselves can be overcome if the heart is willing.

What about you? How were you raised? What keeps you from wanting to become a Christian?


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
I'd really like to hear your own rational views on Christianity. What Church teachings did you find irrational?

I didn't once say that I found my Church's teachings irrational. I've said and will say again, that I think a person should have their own beliefs and keep them to theirselves. That's why I started this in the first place, was to address the point of strangers knocking on your door pushing THEIR beliefs down your throat. Maybe according to your beliefs, if you don't try to "spread the word", that's not being a proper Christian. And maybe I'm not. But that's my business. But who is to say what that is? There is way too many "branches" of religion for one to say that their way is the only way. Who's to say you haven't been blinded and scammed? You, that's who. Because you have your own faith in what things are. But don't expect everyone else to feel the same way.

I hope that I plant little seeds in the minds of non-believers, that someday may blossom! It's common for young people to scorn "organized religion" but then find their way back home later in life. Maybe you'll thank us later :)

Um, I'm 40 years old. When I WAS a younger person...I didn't question my religion at all because that's how I was being brought up. I'm not saying that I question it now, or don't question it now. But....either way, my way of seeing things now has come with age, experience, cold hard facts, and some common sense along with a pretty good head on my shoulders.

It's all about how you're raised and what you're taught. Some people buy into the same things as you.....some don't.


Miami Fl
You know whats wrong with religion. I live my life the best I can and respect others as I wish they do to on to me. I don't judge people of other lifestyles , I don't kill people because they are doing something against my religion, I don't tell or believe other people are going to burn in hell just because they don't accept my god as their lord and savior even though there are probably thousands of other religions to respect and practice.

I would rather spend my eternity with a gay person and a woman who has had an abortion than a murder and rapist who has just found your god.

I know I will not be welcome into you heaven when my time comes because I dont pray to your god but if you are a good person you will always be welcome in mine no matter what your faith is.
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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
You know whats wrong with religion. I live my life the best I can and respect others as I wish they do to on to me. I don't judge people of other lifestyles , I don't kill people because they are doing something against my religion, I don't tell or believe other people are going to burn in hell just because they don't accept my god as their lord and savior even though there are probably thousands of other religions to respect and practice.

I would rather spend my eternity with a gay person and a woman who has had an abortion than a murder and rapist who has just found your god.

I know I will not be welcome into you heaven when my time comes because I dont pray to your god but if you are a good person you will always be welcome in mine no matter what your faith is.

Nice! Well put. I AM a big believer in Karma, which complies with what you stated above. That's something I will state that I believe in....you're good to people, people and things will be good to you. You shlt on people.......:lightning:.

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA

Nice! Well put. I AM a big believer in Karma, which complies with what you stated above. That's something I will state that I believe in....you're good to people, people and things will be good to you. You shlt on people.......:lightning:.

I understand that you like the idea of Karma, what makes you think it is true?


Dallas/Fort worth
I was raised in a Christian family, and I am very thankful that they pointed me in the right direction. They taught me a bunch of other true stuff too, that had nothing to do with religion. I bet your parents taught you some true stuff too.

Anyway, I don't think it matters so much how we come to faith in Christ, what matters is that the Gospel is true, and that we do come to believe it and put our faith in Christ.
For those who are intellectually skeptical of Christianity I think there are many good reasons to believe, and that the objections themselves can be overcome if the heart is willing.

What about you? How were you raised? What keeps you from wanting to become a Christian?

Me? Raised christian

This chick clearly feels what she is doing is right and she believes it 100%, otherwise I can see no other motive (why would an omnipotent god allow this to occur using his word) . I refrain from choosing an organized religion because I am aware I am not the smartest man alive but I was given the ability to think, if I hand that over to a set of someone elses ideals then that puts me on the same bus a this nut. Do you agree that she is brainwashed? Or is she doing the lords work?
YouTube - Crazy Christians


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
The Phelphs clan, clearly and by ANYONE's measure, is insane.

I don't think you'll find a single Christian world-wide (outside of their church) that will claim them as Christians, etiher.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
And let's not forget those crazy bitches that drown their kids and cut their baby's arms off because god told them to, or they thought their babies were posessed!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Yes, a fine example for Christians as a whole.

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