Unwanted visitors at the door!

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Miami Fl
Originally Posted by Midlake Crisis View Post
I was raised in a Christian family, and I am very thankful that they pointed me in the right direction. They taught me a bunch of other true stuff too, that had nothing to do with religion. I bet your parents taught you some true stuff too.

Anyway, I don't think it matters so much how we come to faith in Christ, what matters is that the Gospel is true, and that we do come to believe it and put our faith in Christ.
For those who are intellectually skeptical of Christianity I think there are many good reasons to believe, and that the objections themselves can be overcome if the heart is willing.

What about you? How were you raised? What keeps you from wanting to become a Christian?

Let me ask you? I don't believe Jesus Christ as my lord and savior but I live a good honest life and have realized my wrong doings and learned from them. Will I be welcomed by your God into heaven when my time has come?

There is a murderer on death row about to be executed for raping, killing and dismembering 10 women. Now he has found God and accepts J.C. as his lord and savior. Will he be welcomed into heaven?

Who will your God accept?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Who will your God accept?

The answer is pretty clearly spelled out in the NT.
Deeds land no one in God's arms, that's a central theme to the teachings of the NT.


Dallas/Fort worth
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes." - the startrek dude

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
Justice and Grace


Let me ask you? I don't believe Jesus Christ as my lord and savior but I live a good honest life and have realized my wrong doings and learned from them. Will I be welcomed by your God into heaven when my time has come?

There is a murderer on death row about to be executed for raping, killing and dismembering 10 women. Now he has found God and accepts J.C. as his lord and savior. Will he be welcomed into heaven?

Who will your God accept?

Perfect justice dictates punishment for all moral crimes.
Christ bore the punishment for those who would repent of their moral crimes and trust in him as their savior and Lord. He doesn't just excuse their sin - he paid for it in full.
From the believer's side, repentance isn't just saying "sorry" - it literally means a change of mind. It is an acknowledgment of having violated God's laws, and a genuine willingness to begin following him, knowing that if we got what we deserved we would be without hope.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Perfect justice dictates punishment for all moral crimes.
Christ bore the punishment for those who would repent of their moral crimes and trust in him as their savior and Lord. He doesn't just excuse their sin - he paid for it in full.
From the believer's side, repentance isn't just saying "sorry" - it literally means a change of mind. It is an acknowledgment of having violated God's laws, and a genuine willingness to begin following him, knowing that if we got what we deserved we would be without hope.

So that means what......they're free to keep on killing or sinning because it's already been paid for, as long as when they're done doing their deeds, they repent? Seems like people could take advantage of that and do whatever, as long as they have a "change of mind" before they die.
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Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
So that means what......they're free to keep on killing or sinning because it's already been paid for, as long as when they're done doing their deeds, they repent? Seems like people could take advantage of that and do whatever, as long as they have a "change of mind" before they die.
If a person is in the frame of mind of taking advantage of God's grace in that way they have probably not really repented to begin with. Paul put it like this:

"What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? (2) By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? (3) Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? (4) We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." Romans 6:1-4


Mesquite, Texas
this is funny.

in swooperjet's first post he said he did not want this to turn in to a fight about religion and now we have people quoting the bible.


High on jetskis.
I'd personally feel shocked that you could be so mistaken, because (at least for me) religion is not a crutch. In fact my life was "better" before I found Jesus. It's very difficult being a Christian and not a hypocrite... "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

it doesnt matter if it even applys to you, or anyone, its all how i would think. i know if i did think that way i would be no better.

i keep to myself and live my own life, which by my interpretation, is how "he" would want it.


Grand Rapids, MI
I am going out on a limb here but I am guessing you were raised primarily christian. Now I would be thoroughly impressed if you were raised in india with no christian influence and picked up the bible and said "yep this makes more sense than my religion, I am getting saved asap". If one religion were better than another it would be obvious to everyone because the holy spirit would guide us all to it right?

Dude, there are millions of Christians in India!

One religion might not be "better" than any other, but you have to admit (unless you are delusional) that some are more true than others. Look at all the evidence... and yes there is evidence (or no evidence) for every religion (including the athiest's religion).


Grand Rapids, MI
I can take anyone to the lake and show them with physical proof that the superjet is superior.

Nah, I think the jetski is more of a choose your own adventure book that is up to the riders interpretation!

Interesting though, you won't leave the 440 rider's beliefs alone. You INSISIT on spreading your "good news" of the Superjet bible! Hmmm.... why is that?


Grand Rapids, MI
This chick clearly feels what she is doing is right and she believes it 100%, otherwise I can see no other motive (why would an omnipotent god allow this to occur using his word). I refrain from choosing an organized religion because I am aware I am not the smartest man alive but I was given the ability to think, if I hand that over to a set of someone elses ideals then that puts me on the same bus a this nut. Do you agree that she is brainwashed? Or is she doing the lords work?

This lady is clearly nuts! It's easy to show her that she is not doing the Lord's work, just off the top of my head I can think of several Bible passages that will show her she's being a dumb *****.

I guess this is what happens when someone treats the Bible as a choose their own adventure book! Which is not how I see it.


Grand Rapids, MI
Let me ask you? I don't believe Jesus Christ as my lord and savior but I live a good honest life and have realized my wrong doings and learned from them. Will I be welcomed by your God into heaven when my time has come?

I don't know, but I do know that you don't have to be a member of my Church to be "saved" (that's a Church teaching, not my own opinion).

There is a murderer on death row about to be executed for raping, killing and dismembering 10 women. Now he has found God and accepts J.C. as his lord and savior. Will he be welcomed into heaven?

Who will your God accept?

Christians are not supposed to judge. Only God will judge... at the time of death.


Grand Rapids, MI
I didn't once say that I found my Church's teachings irrational. I've said and will say again, that I think a person should have their own beliefs and keep them to theirselves. That's why I started this in the first place, was to address the point of strangers knocking on your door pushing THEIR beliefs down your throat. Maybe according to your beliefs, if you don't try to "spread the word", that's not being a proper Christian. And maybe I'm not. But that's my business. But who is to say what that is?

Sorry, I misinterpreted your post. I thought you said you were raised Christian, then found something more rational. The Bible says Jesus prayed to the Father, "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." I could find other passages as well, that imply evangelization. So I wouldn't say this is my "belief", it's "just the way it is" for Christians.

There is way too many "branches" of religion for one to say that their way is the only way. Who's to say you haven't been blinded and scammed? You, that's who. Because you have your own faith in what things are. But don't expect everyone else to feel the same way.

To know that my faith is true I just have to look at the evidence for my faith, versus the evidence for other faiths.

Um, I'm 40 years old. When I WAS a younger person...I didn't question my religion at all because that's how I was being brought up. I'm not saying that I question it now, or don't question it now. But....either way, my way of seeing things now has come with age, experience, cold hard facts, and some common sense along with a pretty good head on my shoulders.

I wish you'd share your cold hard facts with us (whatever they are or whatever they support). Just curious.

For the record, I was raised Christian, and to be rational and scientific. I am not aware of any contradictions between my religion, and science.


Grand Rapids, MI
So that means what......they're free to keep on killing or sinning because it's already been paid for, as long as when they're done doing their deeds, they repent? Seems like people could take advantage of that and do whatever, as long as they have a "change of mind" before they die.

Once can't continue to sin under the mistaken impression that he can repent later, duh.

Even if he tries that, God will be the judge...
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