well, i have to put in my two cents for what its worth..
ive been working with robin, almost since inception and was helping him with the testing of the mounts as well. i used to go through at least one set of oem and other rubber mounts per season in my blaster, which is ridden strictly in the surf. even his first test set he sent me were far superior to the oem product. the set i have now, which is what he is currently selling, is even more superior to his test product! these are built to last and as far as im conserned the last set i will ever buy. if and when these fail, i as well as all his customers will get another set, no questions asked! lifetime warranty!!!
i know that his testing is extensive and he is very meticulous when it comes to quality control. his product is made in house so he is hands on with every aspect of the manufacturing process. i think that is one of the ways he can keep his pricing down and keep the quality control in check.
robin doesnt own a large corperation with lots of employees, he's a rider like the rest of us and fine engineer as well. the product came out of nessesity and a need to fill in the gap where so many others have fallen short.
one of the really important things for me is the stainless steel insert on the rhaas product mounts. this means no more dissimilar metals! if you ride in the salt you know what im talking about. the insert is shaped similar to a spool which really penetrates deep into the mount, giving your bolt alot more to thread into and also more bite for the urethane.
bottom line for me is the quality of the product, the customer service, and the of course the price really helps me in my decision. not to forget the lifetime warranty.
im certianly not putting down the c.f. product, as i have not used it. it looks to be a fine product, and im sure whoever purchases it will be happy as well.
best of luck!